2. Particles: Load Selected Variables and Data Ranges

Simulation Overview

using Mera
info = getinfo(300, "../../testing/simulations/mw_L10");
[Mera]: 2023-04-10T11:09:58.577

output [300] summary:
mtime: 2023-04-09T05:34:09
ctime: 2023-04-10T08:08:14.488
simulation time: 445.89 [Myr]
boxlen: 48.0 [kpc]
ncpu: 640
ndim: 3
amr:           true
level(s): 6 - 10 --> cellsize(s): 750.0 [pc] - 46.88 [pc]
hydro:         true
hydro-variables:  7  --> (:rho, :vx, :vy, :vz, :p, :var6, :var7)
hydro-descriptor: (:density, :velocity_x, :velocity_y, :velocity_z, :pressure, :scalar_00, :scalar_01)
γ: 1.6667
gravity:       true
gravity-variables: (:epot, :ax, :ay, :az)
particles:     true
- Nstars:   5.445150e+05 
particle-variables: 7  --> (:vx, :vy, :vz, :mass, :family, :tag, :birth)
particle-descriptor: (:position_x, :position_y, :position_z, :velocity_x, :velocity_y, :velocity_z, :mass, :identity, :levelp, :family, :tag, :birth_time)
rt:            false
clumps:           false
timer-file:       true
compilation-file: false
makefile:         true
patchfile:        true

Select Variables

Choose from the existing particle variables listed in the simulation-info. The functions in Mera "know" the predefined particle variable names:

  • From >= ramses-version-2018: :vx, :vy, :vz, :mass, :family, :tag, :birth, :metals :var9,....
  • For =< ramses-version-2017: :vx, :vy, :vz, :mass, :birth, :var6, :var7,....
  • Currently, the following variables are loaded by default (if exist): :level, :x, :y, :z, :id, :family, :tag.
  • The cpu number associated with the particles can be loaded with the variable names: :cpu or :varn1
  • In a future version the variable names from the particle descriptor can be used by setting the field info.descriptor.useparticles = true .

Read all variables by default

particles = getparticles(info);
[Mera]: Get particle data: 2023-04-10T11:10:06.672

Key vars=(:level, :x, :y, :z, :id, :family, :tag)
Using var(s)=(1, 2, 3, 4, 7) = (:vx, :vy, :vz, :mass, :birth) 

xmin::xmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]

Found 5.445150e+05 particles
Memory used for data table :38.42913246154785 MB
Table with 544515 rows, 12 columns:
#   colname  type
1   level    Int32
2   x        Float64
3   y        Float64
4   z        Float64
5   id       Int32
6   family   Int8
7   tag      Int8
8   vx       Float64
9   vy       Float64
10  vz       Float64
11  mass     Float64
12  birth    Float64

Select several variables w/o a keyword

particles_a = getparticles(info, vars=[:mass, :birth]); 
[Mera]: Get particle data: 2023-04-10T11:10:09.828

Key vars=(:level, :x, :y, :z, :id, :family, :tag)
Using var(s)=(4, 7) = (:mass, :birth) 

xmin::xmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]

Found 5.445150e+05 particles
Memory used for data table :25.96580410003662 MB

The same variables can be read by using the var-number:

particles_a = getparticles(info, vars=[:var4, :var7]); 
[Mera]: Get particle data: 2023-04-10T11:10:15.319

Key vars=(:level, :x, :y, :z, :id, :family, :tag)
Using var(s)=(4, 7) = (:mass, :birth) 

xmin::xmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]

Found 5.445150e+05 particles
Memory used for data table :25.96580410003662 MB

A keyword argument for the variables is not needed if the following order is preserved: InfoType-object, variables:

particles_a = getparticles(info, [:mass, :birth]); 
[Mera]: Get particle data: 2023-04-10T11:10:17.681

Key vars=(:level, :x, :y, :z, :id, :family, :tag)
Using var(s)=(4, 7) = (:mass, :birth) 

xmin::xmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]

Found 5.445150e+05 particles
Memory used for data table :25.96580410003662 MB
Table with 544515 rows, 9 columns:
level  x        y        z        id      family  tag  mass        birth
9      9.17918  22.4404  24.0107  128710  2       0    8.00221e-7  8.86726
9      9.23642  21.5559  24.0144  126838  2       0    8.00221e-7  8.71495
9      9.35638  20.7472  24.0475  114721  2       0    8.00221e-7  7.91459
9      9.39529  21.1854  24.0155  113513  2       0    8.00221e-7  7.85302
9      9.42686  20.9697  24.0162  120213  2       0    8.00221e-7  8.2184
9      9.42691  22.2181  24.0137  125689  2       0    8.00221e-7  8.6199
9      9.48834  22.0913  24.0137  126716  2       0    8.00221e-7  8.70493
9      9.5262   20.652   24.0179  115550  2       0    8.00221e-7  7.96008
9      9.60376  21.2814  24.0155  116996  2       0    8.00221e-7  8.03346
9      9.6162   20.6243  24.0506  125003  2       0    8.00221e-7  8.56482
9      9.62155  20.6248  24.0173  112096  2       0    8.00221e-7  7.78062
9      9.62252  24.4396  24.0206  136641  2       0    8.00221e-7  9.44825
10     37.7913  25.6793  24.018   141792  2       0    8.00221e-7  9.78881
10     37.8255  22.6271  24.0279  143663  2       0    8.00221e-7  9.89052
10     37.8451  22.7506  24.027   138989  2       0    8.00221e-7  9.61716
10     37.8799  25.5668  24.0193  150226  2       0    8.00221e-7  10.2294
10     37.969   23.2135  24.0273  142995  2       0    8.00221e-7  9.85439
10     37.9754  22.6288  24.0265  137301  2       0    8.00221e-7  9.4959
10     37.9811  23.2854  24.0283  145294  2       0    8.00221e-7  9.9782
10     37.9919  22.873   24.0271  132010  2       0    8.00221e-7  9.12003
10     37.9966  23.092   24.0281  136766  2       0    8.00221e-7  9.45574
10     38.0328  22.8404  24.0265  141557  2       0    8.00221e-7  9.77493
10     38.0953  22.8757  24.0231  133214  2       0    8.00221e-7  9.20251

Select one variable

In this case, no array and keyword is necessary, but preserve the following order: InfoType-object, variable:

particles_c = getparticles(info, :vx ); 
[Mera]: Get particle data: 2023-04-10T11:10:22.160

Key vars=(:level, :x, :y, :z, :id, :family, :tag)
Using var(s)=(1,) = (:vx,) 

xmin::xmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]

Found 5.445150e+05 particles
Memory used for data table :21.81136131286621 MB
Table with 544515 rows, 8 columns:
level  x        y        z        id      family  tag  vx
9      9.17918  22.4404  24.0107  128710  2       0    0.670852
9      9.23642  21.5559  24.0144  126838  2       0    0.810008
9      9.35638  20.7472  24.0475  114721  2       0    0.93776
9      9.39529  21.1854  24.0155  113513  2       0    0.870351
9      9.42686  20.9697  24.0162  120213  2       0    0.899373
9      9.42691  22.2181  24.0137  125689  2       0    0.717235
9      9.48834  22.0913  24.0137  126716  2       0    0.739564
9      9.5262   20.652   24.0179  115550  2       0    0.946747
9      9.60376  21.2814  24.0155  116996  2       0    0.893236
9      9.6162   20.6243  24.0506  125003  2       0    0.996445
9      9.62155  20.6248  24.0173  112096  2       0    0.960817
9      9.62252  24.4396  24.0206  136641  2       0    0.239579
10     37.7913  25.6793  24.018   141792  2       0    -0.466362
10     37.8255  22.6271  24.0279  143663  2       0    0.129315
10     37.8451  22.7506  24.027   138989  2       0    0.100542
10     37.8799  25.5668  24.0193  150226  2       0    -0.397774
10     37.969   23.2135  24.0273  142995  2       0    -0.0192855
10     37.9754  22.6288  24.0265  137301  2       0    0.10287
10     37.9811  23.2854  24.0283  145294  2       0    -0.0461542
10     37.9919  22.873   24.0271  132010  2       0    0.0570142
10     37.9966  23.092   24.0281  136766  2       0    -0.0185658
10     38.0328  22.8404  24.0265  141557  2       0    0.0391784
10     38.0953  22.8757  24.0231  133214  2       0    -0.0510545

Selected Spatial Ranges

Use RAMSES Standard Notation

Ranges correspond to the domain [0:1]^3 and are related to the box corner at [0., 0., 0.] by default.

particles = getparticles(  info, 
[Mera]: Get particle data: 2023-04-10T11:10:29.091

Key vars=(:level, :x, :y, :z, :id, :family, :tag)
Using var(s)=(1, 2, 3, 4, 7) = (:vx, :vy, :vz, :mass, :birth) 

xmin::xmax: 0.2 :: 0.8  	==> 9.6 [kpc] :: 38.4 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.2 :: 0.8  	==> 9.6 [kpc] :: 38.4 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4 :: 0.6  	==> 19.2 [kpc] :: 28.8 [kpc]

Found 5.444850e+05 particles
Memory used for data table :38.42701530456543 MB

The loaded data ranges are assigned to the field ranges as an array in RAMSES standard notation (domain: [0:1]^3):

6-element Vector{Float64}:

Ranges relative to a given center:

particles = getparticles(  info, 
                            xrange=[-0.3, 0.3], 
                            yrange=[-0.3, 0.3], 
                            zrange=[-0.1, 0.1], 
                            center=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]);
[Mera]: Get particle data: 2023-04-10T11:10:33.971

Key vars=(:level, :x, :y, :z, :id, :family, :tag)
Using var(s)=(1, 2, 3, 4, 7) = (:vx, :vy, :vz, :mass, :birth) 

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.2 :: 0.8  	==> 9.6 [kpc] :: 38.4 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.2 :: 0.8  	==> 9.6 [kpc] :: 38.4 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4 :: 0.6  	==> 19.2 [kpc] :: 28.8 [kpc]

Found 5.444850e+05 particles
Memory used for data table :38.42701530456543 MB

Use notation in physical units

In the following example the ranges are given in unit "kpc", relative to the box corner 0., 0., 0.:

particles = getparticles(  info, 
[Mera]: Get particle data: 2023-04-10T11:10:40.217

Key vars=(:level, :x, :y, :z, :id, :family, :tag)
Using var(s)=(1, 2, 3, 4, 7) = (:vx, :vy, :vz, :mass, :birth) 

xmin::xmax: 0.0416667 :: 0.4583333  	==> 2.0 [kpc] :: 22.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.0416667 :: 0.4583333  	==> 2.0 [kpc] :: 22.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Found 3.091600e+04 particles
Memory used for data table :2.1834754943847656 MB

The possible physical length units for the keyword range_unit are defined in the field scale :

viewfields(info.scale)  # or e.g.: gas.info.scale
[Mera]: Fields to scale from user/code units to selected units
Mpc	= 0.0010000000000006482
kpc	= 1.0000000000006481
pc	= 1000.0000000006482
mpc	= 1.0000000000006482e6
ly	= 3261.5637769461323
Au	= 2.0626480623310105e23
km	= 3.0856775812820004e16
m	= 3.085677581282e19
cm	= 3.085677581282e21
mm	= 3.085677581282e22
μm	= 3.085677581282e25
Mpc3	= 1.0000000000019446e-9
kpc3	= 1.0000000000019444
pc3	= 1.0000000000019448e9
mpc3	= 1.0000000000019446e18
ly3	= 3.469585750743794e10
Au3	= 8.775571306099254e69
km3	= 2.9379989454983075e49
m3	= 2.9379989454983063e58
cm3	= 2.9379989454983065e64
mm3	= 2.937998945498306e67
μm3	= 2.937998945498306e76
Msol_pc3	= 0.9997234790001649
Msun_pc3	= 0.9997234790001649
g_cm3	= 6.76838218451376e-23
Msol_pc2	= 999.7234790008131
Msun_pc2	= 999.7234790008131
g_cm2	= 0.20885045168302602
Gyr	= 0.014910986463557083
Myr	= 14.910986463557084
yr	= 1.4910986463557083e7
s	= 4.70554946422349e14
ms	= 4.70554946422349e17
Msol	= 9.99723479002109e8
Msun	= 9.99723479002109e8
Mearth	= 3.329677459032007e14
Mjupiter	= 1.0476363431814971e12
g	= 1.9885499720830952e42
km_s	= 65.57528732282063
m_s	= 65575.28732282063
cm_s	= 6.557528732282063e6
nH	= 30.987773856809987
erg	= 8.551000140274429e55
g_cms2	= 2.9104844143584656e-9
T_mu	= 517028.3199143136
K_mu	= 517028.3199143136
T	= 680300.4209398864
K	= 680300.4209398864
Ba	= 2.910484414358466e-9
g_cm_s2	= 2.910484414358466e-9
p_kB	= 2.1080995598777838e7
K_cm3	= 2.1080995598777838e7

Ranges relative to the given center e.g. in unit "kpc":

particles = getparticles(  info, 
[Mera]: Get particle data: 2023-04-10T11:10:45.564

Key vars=(:level, :x, :y, :z, :id, :family, :tag)
Using var(s)=(1, 2, 3, 4, 7) = (:vx, :vy, :vz, :mass, :birth) 

center: [1.0416667, 1.0416667, 1.0416667] ==> [50.0 [kpc] :: 50.0 [kpc] :: 50.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.7083333 :: 1.0  	==> 34.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.7083333 :: 1.0  	==> 34.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 1.0 :: 1.0  	==> 48.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]

Found 0.000000e+00 particles
Memory used for data table :1.71484375 KB

Use the short notation for the box center :bc or :boxcenter for all dimensions (x,y,z):

particles = getparticles(  info, 
[Mera]: Get particle data: 2023-04-10T11:10:48.345

Key vars=(:level, :x, :y, :z, :id, :family, :tag)
Using var(s)=(1, 2, 3, 4, 7) = (:vx, :vy, :vz, :mass, :birth) 

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Found 5.445150e+05 particles
Memory used for data table :38.42913246154785 MB
particles = getparticles(  info, 
[Mera]: Get particle data: 2023-04-10T11:10:50.163

Key vars=(:level, :x, :y, :z, :id, :family, :tag)
Using var(s)=(1, 2, 3, 4, 7) = (:vx, :vy, :vz, :mass, :birth) 

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Found 5.445150e+05 particles
Memory used for data table :38.42913246154785 MB

Use the box center notation for individual dimensions, here x,z:

particles = getparticles(  info, 
                            center=[:bc, 50., :bc], 
[Mera]: Get particle data: 2023-04-10T11:10:53.187

Key vars=(:level, :x, :y, :z, :id, :family, :tag)
Using var(s)=(1, 2, 3, 4, 7) = (:vx, :vy, :vz, :mass, :birth) 

center: [0.5, 1.0416667, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 50.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.7083333 :: 1.0  	==> 34.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Found 2.078000e+03 particles
Memory used for data table :151.8828125 KB