2. Hydro: Load Selected Variables and Data Ranges

Simulation Overview

using Mera
info = getinfo(300, "../../testing/simulations/mw_L10");
[Mera]: 2023-04-10T11:03:31.417

output [300] summary:
mtime: 2023-04-09T05:34:09
ctime: 2023-04-10T08:08:14.488
simulation time: 445.89 [Myr]
boxlen: 48.0 [kpc]
ncpu: 640
ndim: 3
amr:           true
level(s): 6 - 10 --> cellsize(s): 750.0 [pc] - 46.88 [pc]
hydro:         true
hydro-variables:  7  --> (:rho, :vx, :vy, :vz, :p, :var6, :var7)
hydro-descriptor: (:density, :velocity_x, :velocity_y, :velocity_z, :pressure, :scalar_00, :scalar_01)
γ: 1.6667
gravity:       true
gravity-variables: (:epot, :ax, :ay, :az)
particles:     true
- Nstars:   5.445150e+05 
particle-variables: 7  --> (:vx, :vy, :vz, :mass, :family, :tag, :birth)
particle-descriptor: (:position_x, :position_y, :position_z, :velocity_x, :velocity_y, :velocity_z, :mass, :identity, :levelp, :family, :tag, :birth_time)
rt:            false
clumps:           false
timer-file:       true
compilation-file: false
makefile:         true
patchfile:        true

Select Variables

Choose from the existing hydro variables listed in the simulation-info. Use the quoted Symbols: :varn1 or :cpu (=neg. one), :var1 or :rho, :var2 or :vx, :var3 or :vy, :var4 or :vz, :var5 or :p. Variables above 5 can be selected by :var6, :var7 etc. . No order is required. The selection of the variable's names from the descriptor files will be implemented in the future.

Read all variables (default)

gas = gethydro(info);
[Mera]: Get hydro data: 2023-04-10T11:03:36.069

Key vars=(:level, :cx, :cy, :cz)
Using var(s)=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) = (:rho, :vx, :vy, :vz, :p, :var6, :var7) 

xmin::xmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]

Reading data...

Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:22

Memory used for data table :2.3210865957662463 GB
Table with 28320979 rows, 11 columns:
#   colname  type
1   level    Int64
2   cx       Int64
3   cy       Int64
4   cz       Int64
5   rho      Float64
6   vx       Float64
7   vy       Float64
8   vz       Float64
9   p        Float64
10  var6     Float64
11  var7     Float64

Select several variables w/o a keyword

gas_a = gethydro(info, vars=[:rho, :p]); 
[Mera]: Get hydro data: 2023-04-10T11:04:07.311

Key vars=(:level, :cx, :cy, :cz)
Using var(s)=(1, 5) = (:rho, :p) 

xmin::xmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]

Reading data...

Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:21

Memory used for data table :1.2660473119467497 GB

The same variables can be read by using the var-number:

gas_a = gethydro(info, vars=[:var1, :var5]); 
[Mera]: Get hydro data: 2023-04-10T11:04:31.757

Key vars=(:level, :cx, :cy, :cz)
Using var(s)=(1, 5) = (:rho, :p) 

xmin::xmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]

Reading data...

Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:21

Memory used for data table :1.2660473119467497 GB

A keyword argument for the variables is not needed if the following order is preserved: InfoType-object, variables:

gas_a = gethydro(info, [:rho, :p]); 
[Mera]: Get hydro data: 2023-04-10T11:04:55.703

Key vars=(:level, :cx, :cy, :cz)
Using var(s)=(1, 5) = (:rho, :p) 

xmin::xmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]

Reading data...

Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:21

Memory used for data table :1.2660473119467497 GB
Table with 28320979 rows, 6 columns:
level  cx   cy   cz   rho          p
6      1    1    1    3.18647e-9   1.06027e-9
6      1    1    2    3.58591e-9   1.33677e-9
6      1    1    3    3.906e-9     1.58181e-9
6      1    1    4    4.27441e-9   1.93168e-9
6      1    1    5    4.61042e-9   2.37842e-9
6      1    1    6    4.83977e-9   2.8197e-9
6      1    1    7    4.974e-9     3.20883e-9
6      1    1    8    5.08112e-9   3.56075e-9
6      1    1    9    5.20596e-9   3.89183e-9
6      1    1    10   5.38372e-9   4.20451e-9
6      1    1    11   5.67209e-9   4.50256e-9
6      1    1    12   6.14423e-9   4.78595e-9
10     814  493  514  0.000321702  2.18179e-6
10     814  494  509  1.42963e-6   3.35949e-6
10     814  494  510  1.4351e-6    3.38092e-6
10     814  494  511  0.00029515   2.55696e-6
10     814  494  512  0.000395273  2.5309e-6
10     814  494  513  0.000321133  2.16472e-6
10     814  494  514  0.000319678  2.17348e-6
10     814  495  511  0.00024646   2.19846e-6
10     814  495  512  0.000269009  2.20717e-6
10     814  496  511  0.000235329  2.10577e-6
10     814  496  512  0.000242422  2.09634e-6

Select one variable

In this case, no array and keyword is necessary, but preserve the following order: InfoType-object, variable:

gas_c = gethydro(info, :vx ); 
[Mera]: Get hydro data: 2023-04-10T11:05:59.554

Key vars=(:level, :cx, :cy, :cz)
Using var(s)=(2,) = (:vx,) 

xmin::xmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]

Reading data...

Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:20

Memory used for data table :1.0550394551828504 GB
Table with 28320979 rows, 5 columns:
level  cx   cy   cz   vx
6      1    1    1    -1.25532
6      1    1    2    -1.23262
6      1    1    3    -1.2075
6      1    1    4    -1.16462
6      1    1    5    -1.10493
6      1    1    6    -1.02686
6      1    1    7    -0.948004
6      1    1    8    -0.879731
6      1    1    9    -0.824484
6      1    1    10   -0.782768
6      1    1    11   -0.754141
6      1    1    12   -0.737723
10     814  493  514  0.268398
10     814  494  509  0.00398492
10     814  494  510  0.00496945
10     814  494  511  0.303842
10     814  494  512  0.305647
10     814  494  513  0.266079
10     814  494  514  0.26508
10     814  495  511  0.289612
10     814  495  512  0.290753
10     814  496  511  0.285209
10     814  496  512  0.285463

Select Spatial Ranges

Use RAMSES Standard Notation

Ranges correspond to the domain [0:1]^3 and are related to the box corner at [0., 0., 0.] by default. Here, we limit the loading of the data to a maximum level of 8:

gas = gethydro(info, lmax=8, 
[Mera]: Get hydro data: 2023-04-10T11:06:31.565

Key vars=(:level, :cx, :cy, :cz)
Using var(s)=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) = (:rho, :vx, :vy, :vz, :p, :var6, :var7) 

xmin::xmax: 0.2 :: 0.8  	==> 9.6 [kpc] :: 38.4 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.2 :: 0.8  	==> 9.6 [kpc] :: 38.4 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4 :: 0.6  	==> 19.2 [kpc] :: 28.8 [kpc]

Reading data...

Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:13

Memory used for data table :103.4984769821167 MB

The loaded data ranges are assigned to the field ranges as an array in RAMSES standard notation (domain: [0:1]^3):

6-element Vector{Float64}:

Ranges relative to a given center:

gas = gethydro(info, lmax=8, 
                xrange=[-0.3, 0.3], 
                yrange=[-0.3, 0.3], 
                zrange=[-0.1, 0.1], 
                center=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]); 
[Mera]: Get hydro data: 2023-04-10T11:06:46.359

Key vars=(:level, :cx, :cy, :cz)
Using var(s)=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) = (:rho, :vx, :vy, :vz, :p, :var6, :var7) 

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.2 :: 0.8  	==> 9.6 [kpc] :: 38.4 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.2 :: 0.8  	==> 9.6 [kpc] :: 38.4 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4 :: 0.6  	==> 19.2 [kpc] :: 28.8 [kpc]

Reading data...

Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:13

Memory used for data table :103.4984769821167 MB

Use notation in physical units

In the following example the ranges are given in unit "kpc", relative to the box corner 0., 0., 0.:

gas = gethydro(info, lmax=8, 
[Mera]: Get hydro data: 2023-04-10T11:07:00.080

Key vars=(:level, :cx, :cy, :cz)
Using var(s)=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) = (:rho, :vx, :vy, :vz, :p, :var6, :var7) 

xmin::xmax: 0.0416667 :: 0.4583333  	==> 2.0 [kpc] :: 22.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.0416667 :: 0.4583333  	==> 2.0 [kpc] :: 22.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Reading data...

Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:13

Memory used for data table :19.30322551727295 MB

The possible physical length units for the keyword range_unit are defined in the field scale :

viewfields(info.scale)  # or e.g.: gas.info.scale
[Mera]: Fields to scale from user/code units to selected units
Mpc	= 0.0010000000000006482
kpc	= 1.0000000000006481
pc	= 1000.0000000006482
mpc	= 1.0000000000006482e6
ly	= 3261.5637769461323
Au	= 2.0626480623310105e23
km	= 3.0856775812820004e16
m	= 3.085677581282e19
cm	= 3.085677581282e21
mm	= 3.085677581282e22
μm	= 3.085677581282e25
Mpc3	= 1.0000000000019446e-9
kpc3	= 1.0000000000019444
pc3	= 1.0000000000019448e9
mpc3	= 1.0000000000019446e18
ly3	= 3.469585750743794e10
Au3	= 8.775571306099254e69
km3	= 2.9379989454983075e49
m3	= 2.9379989454983063e58
cm3	= 2.9379989454983065e64
mm3	= 2.937998945498306e67
μm3	= 2.937998945498306e76
Msol_pc3	= 0.9997234790001649
Msun_pc3	= 0.9997234790001649
g_cm3	= 6.76838218451376e-23
Msol_pc2	= 999.7234790008131
Msun_pc2	= 999.7234790008131
g_cm2	= 0.20885045168302602
Gyr	= 0.014910986463557083
Myr	= 14.910986463557084
yr	= 1.4910986463557083e7
s	= 4.70554946422349e14
ms	= 4.70554946422349e17
Msol	= 9.99723479002109e8
Msun	= 9.99723479002109e8
Mearth	= 3.329677459032007e14
Mjupiter	= 1.0476363431814971e12
g	= 1.9885499720830952e42
km_s	= 65.57528732282063
m_s	= 65575.28732282063
cm_s	= 6.557528732282063e6
nH	= 30.987773856809987
erg	= 8.551000140274429e55
g_cms2	= 2.9104844143584656e-9
T_mu	= 517028.3199143136
K_mu	= 517028.3199143136
T	= 680300.4209398864
K	= 680300.4209398864
Ba	= 2.910484414358466e-9
g_cm_s2	= 2.910484414358466e-9
p_kB	= 2.1080995598777838e7
K_cm3	= 2.1080995598777838e7

Ranges relative to a given center e.g. in unit "kpc":

gas = gethydro(info, lmax=8, 
[Mera]: Get hydro data: 2023-04-10T11:07:13.344

Key vars=(:level, :cx, :cy, :cz)
Using var(s)=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) = (:rho, :vx, :vy, :vz, :p, :var6, :var7) 

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Reading data...

Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:13

Memory used for data table :54.6228666305542 MB

Use the short notation for the box center :bc or :boxcenter for all dimensions (x,y,z):

gas = gethydro(info, lmax=8, 
                xrange=[-16., 16.], 
                yrange=[-16., 16.], 
                zrange=[-2., 2.], 
[Mera]: Get hydro data: 2023-04-10T11:07:26.753

Key vars=(:level, :cx, :cy, :cz)
Using var(s)=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) = (:rho, :vx, :vy, :vz, :p, :var6, :var7) 

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Reading data...

Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:13

Memory used for data table :54.6228666305542 MB
gas = gethydro(info, lmax=8, 
                xrange=[-16., 16.], 
                yrange=[-16., 16.], 
                zrange=[-2., 2.], 
[Mera]: Get hydro data: 2023-04-10T11:07:40.694

Key vars=(:level, :cx, :cy, :cz)
Using var(s)=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) = (:rho, :vx, :vy, :vz, :p, :var6, :var7) 

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Reading data...

Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:13

Memory used for data table :54.6228666305542 MB

Use the box center notation for individual dimensions, here x,z:

gas = gethydro(info, lmax=8, 
                xrange=[-16., 16.], 
                yrange=[-16., 16.], 
                zrange=[-2., 2.], 
                center=[:bc, 24., :bc], 
[Mera]: Get hydro data: 2023-04-10T11:07:54.736

Key vars=(:level, :cx, :cy, :cz)
Using var(s)=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) = (:rho, :vx, :vy, :vz, :p, :var6, :var7) 

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Reading data...

Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:13

Memory used for data table :54.6228666305542 MB