3. Hydro: Get Sub-Regions of The Loaded Data

Load the Data

using Mera, PyPlot
using ColorSchemes
cmap = ColorMap(ColorSchemes.lajolla.colors) # See http://www.fabiocrameri.ch/colourmaps.php

info = getinfo(400, "../../testing/simulations/manu_sim_sf_L14")
gas  = gethydro(info, :rho, lmax=10, smallr=1e-5);
 [Mera]: 2020-02-18T23:23:22.753

output [400] summary:
mtime: 2018-09-05T09:51:55.041
ctime: 2019-11-01T17:35:21.051
simulation time: 594.98 [Myr]
boxlen: 48.0 [kpc]
ncpu: 2048
ndim: 3
amr:           true
level(s): 6 - 14 --> cellsize(s): 750.0 [pc] - 2.93 [pc]
hydro:         true
hydro-variables:  7  --> (:rho, :vx, :vy, :vz, :p, :var6, :var7)
hydro-descriptor: (:density, :velocity_x, :velocity_y, :velocity_z, :thermal_pressure, :passive_scalar_1, :passive_scalar_2)
γ: 1.6667
gravity:       true
gravity-variables: (:epot, :ax, :ay, :az)
particles:     true
- Npart:    5.091500e+05
- Nstars:   5.066030e+05
- Ndm:      2.547000e+03
particle variables: (:vx, :vy, :vz, :mass, :birth)
clumps:        true
clump-variables: (:index, :lev, :parent, :ncell, :peak_x, :peak_y, :peak_z, Symbol("rho-"), Symbol("rho+"), :rho_av, :mass_cl, :relevance)
namelist-file: false
timer-file:       false
compilation-file: true
makefile:         true
patchfile:        true

 [Mera]: Get hydro data: 2020-02-18T23:23:32.417

Key vars=(:level, :cx, :cy, :cz)
Using var(s)=(1,) = (:rho,)

xmin::xmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]

Reading data...

 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:02:49

Memory used for data table :186.1558656692505 MB

Cuboid Region

Create projections of the full box:

proj_z = projection(gas, :sd, :Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:z, verbose=false);
proj_y = projection(gas, :sd, :Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:y, verbose=false);
proj_x = projection(gas, :sd, :Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:x, verbose=false);
 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:03

The generated objects include, e.g. the extent of the processed domain, that can be used to declare the specific range of the plots, while the field cextent gives the extent related to a given center (default: [0.,0.,0.]).

(:maps, :maps_unit, :maps_lmax, :maps_mode, :lmax_projected, :lmin, :lmax, :ranges, :extent, :cextent, :ratio, :boxlen, :smallr, :smallc, :scale, :info)

Cuboid Region: The red lines show the region that we want to cutout as a sub-region from the full data:

figure(figsize=(15.5, 3.5))
labeltext = L"\mathrm{log10(\Sigma) \ [M_{\odot} pc^{-2}]}"

im = imshow( log10.( permutedims(proj_z.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_z.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_z.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot([-4.,0.,0.,-4.,-4.],[-15.,-15.,15.,15.,-15.], color="red")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("y [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.( permutedims(proj_y.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_y.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_y.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot([-4.,0.,0.,-4.,-4.],[-2.,-2.,2.,2.,-2.], color="red")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.( permutedims(proj_x.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_x.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_x.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot([-15.,15.,15.,-15.,-15.],[-2.,-2.,2.,2.,-2.], color="red")
xlabel("y [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext);


Cuboid Region: Cutout the data assigned to the object gas

Note: The selected regions can be given relative to a user given center or to the box corner [0., 0., 0.] by default. The user can choose between standard notation 0:1 or physical length-units, defined in e.g. info.scale :

gas_subregion = subregion( gas, :cuboid,
                            xrange=[-4., 0.],
                            yrange=[-15., 15.],
                            zrange=[-2., 2.],
 [Mera]: 2020-02-18T23:27:06.861

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.4166667 :: 0.5  	==> 20.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.1875 :: 0.8125  	==> 9.0 [kpc] :: 39.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Memory used for data table :47.87415790557861 MB

The function subregion creates a new object with the same type as the object created by the function gethydro :


Cuboid Region: Projections of the sub-region.

The coordinates center is the center of the box:

proj_z = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, :Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:z, verbose=false);
proj_y = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, :Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:y, verbose=false);
proj_x = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, :Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:x, verbose=false);
figure(figsize=(15.5, 3.5))
labeltext = L"\mathrm{log10(\Sigma) \ [M_{\odot} pc^{-2}]}"

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_z.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, origin="lower", extent=proj_z.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("y [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_y.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, origin="lower", extent=proj_y.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_x.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, origin="lower", extent=proj_x.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
xlabel("y [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, orientation="horizontal", label=labeltext, pad=0.2);


Cuboid Region: Get the data outside of the selected region (inverse selection):

gas_subregion = subregion( gas, :cuboid,
                            xrange=[-4., 0.],
                            yrange=[-15., 15.],
                            zrange=[-2., 2.],
 [Mera]: 2020-02-18T23:27:09.597

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.4166667 :: 0.5  	==> 20.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.1875 :: 0.8125  	==> 9.0 [kpc] :: 39.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Memory used for data table :138.2824068069458 MB
proj_z = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, :Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:z, verbose=false);
proj_y = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, :Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:y, verbose=false);
proj_x = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, :Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:x, verbose=false);
 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:01
figure(figsize=(15.5, 3.5))
labeltext = L"\mathrm{log10(\Sigma) \ [M_{\odot} pc^{-2}]}"

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_z.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_z.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_z.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot([-4.,0.,0.,-4.,-4.],[-15.,-15.,15.,15.,-15.], color="red")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("y [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_y.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_y.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_y.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot([-4.,0.,0.,-4.,-4.],[-2.,-2.,2.,2.,-2.], color="red")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_x.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_x.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_x.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot([-15.,15.,15.,-15.,-15.],[-2.,-2.,2.,2.,-2.], color="red")
xlabel("y [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext);


Cylindrical Region

Create projections of the full box:

proj_z = projection(gas, :sd, :Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:z, verbose=false);
proj_y = projection(gas, :sd, :Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:y, verbose=false);
proj_x = projection(gas, :sd, :Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:x, verbose=false);
 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:01
 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:01

Cylindrical Region: The red lines show the region that we want to cutout as a sub-region from the full data:

figure(figsize=(15.5, 3.5))
labeltext = L"\mathrm{log10(\Sigma) \ [M_{\odot} pc^{-2}]}"
theta = LinRange(-pi, pi, 100)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_z.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_z.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_z.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 3. .* sin.(theta) .-11, 3 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("y [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_y.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, origin="lower", extent=proj_y.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot([-3.,3.,3.,-3.,-3.] .-11.,[-2.,-2.,2.,2.,-2.], color="red")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_x.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, origin="lower", extent=proj_x.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot([-3.,3.,3.,-3.,-3.],[-2.,-2.,2.,2.,-2.], color="red")
xlabel("y [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext);


Cylindrical Region: Cutout the data assigned to the object gas

Select the ranges of the cylinder in the unit "kpc", relative to the given center [13., 24., 24.]. The height refers to both z-directions from the plane.

gas_subregion = subregion(  gas, :cylinder,
                            center=[13., :bc, :bc]); # direction=:z, by default
 [Mera]: 2020-02-18T23:27:24.715

center: [0.2708333, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [13.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.2083333 :: 0.3333333  	==> 10.0 [kpc] :: 16.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.4375 :: 0.5625  	==> 21.0 [kpc] :: 27.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Radius: 3.0 [kpc]
Height: 2.0 [kpc]
Memory used for data table :9.945767402648926 MB

Cylindrical Region: Projections of the sub-region.

The coordinates center is the center of the box:

proj_z = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, :Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:z, verbose=false);
proj_y = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, :Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:y, verbose=false);
proj_x = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, :Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:x, verbose=false);
figure(figsize=(15.5, 3.5))
labeltext = L"\mathrm{log10(\Sigma) \ [M_{\odot} pc^{-2}]}"
theta = LinRange(-pi, pi, 100)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_z.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_z.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_z.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 3. .* sin.(theta) .-11, 3 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("y [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_y.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, origin="lower", extent=proj_y.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)

xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, orientation="horizontal", label=labeltext, pad=0.2);

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_x.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, origin="lower", extent=proj_x.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)

xlabel("y [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, orientation="horizontal", label=labeltext, pad=0.2);


Cylindrical Region: Projections of the sub-region rekated ti a given data center:

proj_z = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, direction=:z, center=[13., 24.,24.], range_unit=:kpc, verbose=false);
proj_y = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, direction=:y, center=[13., 24.,24.], range_unit=:kpc, verbose=false);
proj_x = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, direction=:x, center=[13., 24.,24.], range_unit=:kpc, verbose=false);

The ranges of the plots are now adapted to the given data center:

figure(figsize=(15.5, 3.5))
labeltext=L"\mathrm{log10(\Sigma) \ [M_{\odot} pc^{-2}]}"
theta = LinRange(-pi, pi, 100)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_z.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_z.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_z.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 3. .* sin.(theta), 3 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("y [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_y.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, origin="lower", extent=proj_y.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)

xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, orientation="horizontal", label=labeltext, pad=0.2);

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_x.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, origin="lower", extent=proj_x.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)

xlabel("y [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, orientation="horizontal", label=labeltext, pad=0.2);


Cylindrical Region: Get the data outside of the selected region (inverse selection):

gas_subregion = subregion(  gas, :cylinder,
                            inverse=true); # direction=:z, by default
 [Mera]: 2020-02-18T23:27:29.071

center: [0.2708333, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [13.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.2083333 :: 0.3333333  	==> 10.0 [kpc] :: 16.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.4375 :: 0.5625  	==> 21.0 [kpc] :: 27.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Radius: 3.0 [kpc]
Height: 2.0 [kpc]
Memory used for data table :176.2107973098755 MB
proj_z = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, :Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:z, verbose=false);
proj_y = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, :Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:y, verbose=false);
proj_x = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, :Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:x, verbose=false);
figure(figsize=(15.5, 3.5))
labeltext=L"\mathrm{log10(\Sigma) \ [M_{\odot} pc^{-2}]}"
theta = LinRange(-pi, pi, 100)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_z.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_z.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_z.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 3. .* sin.(theta) .-11, 3 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("y [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_y.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_y.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_y.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot([-3.,3.,3.,-3.,-3.] .-11.,[-2.,-2.,2.,2.,-2.], color="red")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_x.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_x.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_x.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot([-3.,3.,3.,-3.,-3.],[-2.,-2.,2.,2.,-2.], color="red")
xlabel("y [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext);


Spherical Region

Create projections of the full box:

proj_z = projection(gas, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:z, verbose=false);
proj_y = projection(gas, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:y, verbose=false);
proj_x = projection(gas, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:x, verbose=false);
 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:01

Spherical Region: The red lines show the region that we want to cutout as a sub-region from the full data:

figure(figsize=(15.5, 3.5))
labeltext=L"\mathrm{log10(\Sigma) \ [M_{\odot} pc^{-2}]}"
theta = LinRange(-pi, pi, 100)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_z.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_z.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_z.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) .-11., 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("y [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_y.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_y.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_y.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) .-11., 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_x.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_x.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_x.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) , 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
xlabel("y [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext);


Spherical Region: Cutout the data assigned to the object gas

Select the radius of the sphere in the unit "kpc", relative to the given center [13., 24., 24.]:

gas_subregion = subregion(  gas, :sphere,
 [Mera]: 2020-02-18T23:27:42.261

center: [0.2708333, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [13.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.0625 :: 0.4791667  	==> 3.0 [kpc] :: 23.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.2916667 :: 0.7083333  	==> 14.0 [kpc] :: 34.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.2916667 :: 0.7083333  	==> 14.0 [kpc] :: 34.0 [kpc]

Radius: 10.0 [kpc]
Memory used for data table :57.03980731964111 MB

Spherical Region: Projections of the sub-region.

The coordinates center is the center of the box:

proj_z = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:z, verbose=false);
proj_y = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:y, verbose=false);
proj_x = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:x, verbose=false);
figure(figsize=(15.5, 3.5))
labeltext=L"\mathrm{log10(\Sigma) \ [M_{\odot} pc^{-2}]}"
theta = LinRange(-pi, pi, 100)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_z.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_z.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_z.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) .-11., 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("y [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_y.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_y.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_y.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) .-11., 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext);

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_x.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_x.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_x.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) , 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
xlabel("y [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext);


Spherical Region: Get the data outside of the selected region (inverse selection):

gas_subregion = subregion(  gas, :sphere,
 [Mera]: 2020-02-18T23:27:46.433

center: [0.2708333, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [13.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.0625 :: 0.4791667  	==> 3.0 [kpc] :: 23.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.2916667 :: 0.7083333  	==> 14.0 [kpc] :: 34.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.2916667 :: 0.7083333  	==> 14.0 [kpc] :: 34.0 [kpc]

Radius: 10.0 [kpc]
Memory used for data table :129.1167573928833 MB
proj_z = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:z, verbose=false);
proj_y = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:y, verbose=false);
proj_x = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:x, verbose=false);
figure(figsize=(15.5, 3.5))
labeltext=L"\mathrm{log10(\Sigma) \ [M_{\odot} pc^{-2}]}"
theta = LinRange(-pi, pi, 100)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_z.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_z.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_z.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) .-11., 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("y [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_y.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_y.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_y.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) .-11., 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_x.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_x.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_x.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) , 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
xlabel("y [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext);


Combined/Nested/Shell Sub-Regions

The sub-region functions can be used in any combination with each other! (Combined with overlapping or nested ranges)

One Example:

comb_region = subregion(gas, :cuboid, xrange=[-8.,8.], yrange=[-8.,8.], zrange=[-2.,2.], center=[:boxcenter], range_unit=:kpc, verbose=false)
comb_region2 = subregion(comb_region, :sphere, radius=12., center=[40.,24.,24.], range_unit=:kpc, inverse=true, verbose=false)
comb_region3 = subregion(comb_region2, :sphere, radius=12., center=[8.,24.,24.], range_unit=:kpc, inverse=true, verbose=false);
comb_region4 = subregion(comb_region3, :sphere, radius=12., center=[24.,5.,24.], range_unit=:kpc, inverse=true, verbose=false);
comb_region5 = subregion(comb_region4, :sphere, radius=12., center=[24.,43.,24.], range_unit=:kpc, inverse=true, verbose=false);
proj_z = projection(comb_region5, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:z, verbose=false);
proj_y = projection(comb_region5, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:y, verbose=false);
proj_x = projection(comb_region5, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:x, verbose=false);
figure(figsize=(15.5, 3.5))
labeltext=L"\mathrm{log10(\Sigma) \ [M_{\odot} pc^{-2}]}"
theta = LinRange(-pi, pi, 100)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_z.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_z.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_z.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("y [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_y.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, origin="lower", extent=proj_y.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, orientation="horizontal", label=labeltext, pad=0.2)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_x.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, origin="lower", extent=proj_x.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
xlabel("y [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, orientation="horizontal", label=labeltext, pad=0.2);


Cylindrical Shell

Create projections of the full box:

proj_z = projection(gas, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:z, verbose=false);
proj_y = projection(gas, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:y, verbose=false);
proj_x = projection(gas, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:x, verbose=false);
 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:02

Cylindrical Shell: The red lines show the shell that we want to cutout as a sub-region from the full data:

figure(figsize=(15.5, 3.5))
labeltext=L"\mathrm{log10(\Sigma) \ [M_{\odot} pc^{-2}]}"
theta = LinRange(-pi, pi, 100)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_z.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_z.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_z.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) , 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
plot( 5. .* sin.(theta) , 5. .* cos.(theta), color="red", ls="--")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("y [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_y.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_y.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_y.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot([-10.,-10.,10.,10.,-10.], [-2.,2.,2.,-2.,-2.], color="red")
plot([-5.,-5,5.,5.,-5.], [-2.,2.,2.,-2.,-2.], color="red", ls="--")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_x.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_x.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_x.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot([-10.,-10.,10.,10.,-10.], [-2.,2.,2.,-2.,-2.], color="red")
plot([-5.,-5,5.,5.,-5.], [-2.,2.,2.,-2.,-2.], color="red", ls="--")
xlabel("y [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext);


Cylindrical Shell:

Pass the height of the cylinder and the inner/outer radius of the shell in the unit "kpc", relative to the box center [24., 24., 24.]:

gas_subregion = shellregion( gas, :cylinder,
                            radius=[5., 10.],
 [Mera]: 2020-02-18T23:28:03.834

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.2916667 :: 0.7083333  	==> 14.0 [kpc] :: 34.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.2916667 :: 0.7083333  	==> 14.0 [kpc] :: 34.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Inner radius: 5.0 [kpc]
Outer radius: 10.0 [kpc]
Radius diff: 5.0 [kpc]
Height: 2.0 [kpc]
Memory used for data table :53.790066719055176 MB
proj_z = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:z, verbose=false);
proj_y = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:y, verbose=false);
proj_x = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:x, verbose=false);
figure(figsize=(15.5, 3.5))
labeltext=L"\mathrm{log10(\Sigma) \ [M_{\odot} pc^{-2}]}"
theta = LinRange(-pi, pi, 100)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_z.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_z.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_z.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) , 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
plot( 5. .* sin.(theta) , 5. .* cos.(theta), color="red", ls="--")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("y [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_y.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, origin="lower", extent=proj_y.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot([-10.,-10.,10.,10.,-10.], [-2.,2.,2.,-2.,-2.], color="red")
plot([-5.,-5,5.,5.,-5.], [-2.,2.,2.,-2.,-2.], color="red", ls="--")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, orientation="horizontal", label=labeltext, pad=0.2)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_x.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, origin="lower", extent=proj_x.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot([-10.,-10.,10.,10.,-10.], [-2.,2.,2.,-2.,-2.], color="red")
plot([-5.,-5,5.,5.,-5.], [-2.,2.,2.,-2.,-2.], color="red", ls="--")
xlabel("y [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, orientation="horizontal", label=labeltext, pad=0.2);


Cylindrical Shell: Get the data outside of the selected shell (inverse selection):

gas_subregion = shellregion(gas, :cylinder,
                            radius=[5., 10.],
 [Mera]: 2020-02-18T23:28:06.945

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.2916667 :: 0.7083333  	==> 14.0 [kpc] :: 34.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.2916667 :: 0.7083333  	==> 14.0 [kpc] :: 34.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Inner radius: 5.0 [kpc]
Outer radius: 10.0 [kpc]
Radius diff: 5.0 [kpc]
Height: 2.0 [kpc]
Memory used for data table :132.36649799346924 MB
proj_z = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:z, verbose=false);
proj_y = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:y, verbose=false);
proj_x = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:x, verbose=false);
figure(figsize=(15.5, 3.5))
labeltext=L"\mathrm{log10(\Sigma) \ [M_{\odot} pc^{-2}]}"
theta = LinRange(-pi, pi, 100)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_z.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_z.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_z.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) , 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
plot( 5. .* sin.(theta) , 5. .* cos.(theta), color="red", ls="--")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("y [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_y.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_y.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_y.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot([-10.,-10.,10.,10.,-10.], [-2.,2.,2.,-2.,-2.], color="red")
plot([-5.,-5,5.,5.,-5.], [-2.,2.,2.,-2.,-2.], color="red", ls="--")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_x.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_x.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_x.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot([-10.,-10.,10.,10.,-10.], [-2.,2.,2.,-2.,-2.], color="red")
plot([-5.,-5,5.,5.,-5.], [-2.,2.,2.,-2.,-2.], color="red", ls="--")
xlabel("y [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext);


Spherical Shell

Create projections of the full box:

proj_z = projection(gas, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:z, verbose=false);
proj_y = projection(gas, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:y, verbose=false);
proj_x = projection(gas, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:x, verbose=false);
 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:02
 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:02
 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:01

Spherical Shell: The red lines show the shell that we want to cutout as a sub-region from the full data:

figure(figsize=(15.5, 3.5))
labeltext=L"\mathrm{log10(\Sigma) \ [M_{\odot} pc^{-2}]}"
theta = LinRange(-pi, pi, 100)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_z.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_z.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_z.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) , 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
plot( 5. .* sin.(theta) , 5. .* cos.(theta), color="red",ls="--")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("y [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_y.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_y.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_y.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) , 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
plot( 5. .* sin.(theta) , 5. .* cos.(theta), color="red", ls="--")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_x.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_x.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_x.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) , 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
plot( 5. .* sin.(theta) , 5. .* cos.(theta), color="red", ls="--")
xlabel("y [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext);


Spherical Shell:

Select the inner and outer radius of the spherical shell in unit "kpc", relative to the box center [24., 24., 24.]:

gas_subregion = shellregion(gas, :sphere,
                            radius=[5., 10.],
 [Mera]: 2020-02-18T23:28:21.357

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.2916667 :: 0.7083333  	==> 14.0 [kpc] :: 34.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.2916667 :: 0.7083333  	==> 14.0 [kpc] :: 34.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.2916667 :: 0.7083333  	==> 14.0 [kpc] :: 34.0 [kpc]

Inner radius: 5.0 [kpc]
Outer radius: 10.0 [kpc]
Radius diff: 5.0 [kpc]
Memory used for data table :56.55305194854736 MB

Spherical Shell: Projections of the shell-region.

The coordinates center is the center of the box:

proj_z = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:z, verbose=false);
proj_y = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:y, verbose=false);
proj_x = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:x, verbose=false);
figure(figsize=(15.5, 3.5))
labeltext=L"\mathrm{log10(\Sigma) \ [M_{\odot} pc^{-2}]}"
theta = LinRange(-pi, pi, 100)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_z.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_z.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_z.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) , 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
plot( 5. .* sin.(theta) , 5. .* cos.(theta), color="red", ls="--")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("y [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_y.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_y.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_y.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) , 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
plot( 5. .* sin.(theta) , 5. .* cos.(theta), color="red", ls="--")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_x.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_x.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_x.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) , 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
plot( 5. .* sin.(theta) , 5. .* cos.(theta), color="red", ls="--")
xlabel("y [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext);


Spherical Shell: Get the data outside of the selected shell-region (inverse selection):

gas_subregion = shellregion(gas, :sphere,
                            radius=[5., 10.],
 [Mera]: 2020-02-18T23:28:25.267

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.2916667 :: 0.7083333  	==> 14.0 [kpc] :: 34.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.2916667 :: 0.7083333  	==> 14.0 [kpc] :: 34.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.2916667 :: 0.7083333  	==> 14.0 [kpc] :: 34.0 [kpc]

Inner radius: 5.0 [kpc]
Outer radius: 10.0 [kpc]
Radius diff: 5.0 [kpc]
Memory used for data table :129.60351276397705 MB
proj_z = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:z, verbose=false);
proj_y = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:y, verbose=false);
proj_x = projection(gas_subregion, :sd, unit=:Msol_pc2, center=[:boxcenter], direction=:x, verbose=false);
figure(figsize=(15.5, 3.5))
labeltext=L"\mathrm{log10(\Sigma) \ [M_{\odot} pc^{-2}]}"
theta = LinRange(-pi, pi, 100)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_z.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_z.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_z.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) , 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
plot( 5. .* sin.(theta) , 5. .* cos.(theta), color="red", ls="--")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("y [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_y.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_y.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_y.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) , 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
plot( 5. .* sin.(theta) , 5. .* cos.(theta), color="red", ls="--")
xlabel("x [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext)

im = imshow( log10.(permutedims(proj_x.maps[:sd]) ), cmap=cmap, aspect=proj_x.ratio, origin="lower", extent=proj_x.cextent, vmin=0, vmax=3)
plot( 10. .* sin.(theta) , 10 .* cos.(theta), color="red")
plot( 5. .* sin.(theta) , 5. .* cos.(theta), color="red", ls="--")
xlabel("y [kpc]")
ylabel("z [kpc]")
cb = colorbar(im, label=labeltext);
