2. Clumps: Load Selected Variables and Data Ranges

Simulation Overview

using Mera
info = getinfo(400, "../../testing/simulations/manu_sim_sf_L14");
[Mera]: 2020-02-08T13:43:44.724

output [400] summary:
mtime: 2018-09-05T09:51:55.041
ctime: 2019-11-01T17:35:21.051
simulation time: 594.98 [Myr]
boxlen: 48.0 [kpc]
ncpu: 2048
ndim: 3
amr:           true
level(s): 6 - 14 --> cellsize(s): 750.0 [pc] - 2.93 [pc]
hydro:         true
hydro-variables:  7  --> (:rho, :vx, :vy, :vz, :p, :var6, :var7)
hydro-descriptor: (:density, :velocity_x, :velocity_y, :velocity_z, :thermal_pressure, :passive_scalar_1, :passive_scalar_2)
γ: 1.6667
gravity:       true
gravity-variables: (:epot, :ax, :ay, :az)
particles:     true
- Npart:    5.091500e+05 
- Nstars:   5.066030e+05 
- Ndm:      2.547000e+03 
particle variables: (:vx, :vy, :vz, :mass, :birth)
clumps:        true
clump-variables: (:index, :lev, :parent, :ncell, :peak_x, :peak_y, :peak_z, Symbol("rho-"), Symbol("rho+"), :rho_av, :mass_cl, :relevance)
namelist-file: false
timer-file:       false
compilation-file: true
makefile:         true
patchfile:        true

Select Variables

MERA reads the first line of a clump file to identify the number of columns and their names.

Read all variables (default)

clumps = getclumps(info);
[Mera]: Get clump data: 2020-02-08T13:43:54.134

xmin::xmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]

Read 12 colums: 
Symbol[:index, :lev, :parent, :ncell, :peak_x, :peak_y, :peak_z, Symbol("rho-"), Symbol("rho+"), :rho_av, :mass_cl, :relevance]
Memory used for data table :61.77734375 KB
Table with 644 rows, 12 columns:
#   colname    type
1   index      Float64
2   lev        Float64
3   parent     Float64
4   ncell      Float64
5   peak_x     Float64
6   peak_y     Float64
7   peak_z     Float64
8   rho-       Float64
9   rho+       Float64
10  rho_av     Float64
11  mass_cl    Float64
12  relevance  Float64

The colum names should not be changed, since they are assumed in some functions. The usage of individual descriptor variables will be implemented in the future.

Select several variables w/o a keyword

Currently, the length of the loaded variable list can be modified. E.g. the list can be extended with more names if there are more columns in the data than given by the header in the files.

Load less than the found 12 columns from the header of the clump files; Pass an array with the variables to the keyword argument vars. The order of the variables has to be consistent with the header in the clump files:}

clumps = getclumps(info, vars=[ :index, :lev, :parent, :ncell, :peak_x, :peak_y, :peak_z]);
[Mera]: Get clump data: 2020-02-08T13:44:01.434

xmin::xmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]

Read 7 colums: 
Symbol[:index, :lev, :parent, :ncell, :peak_x, :peak_y, :peak_z]
Memory used for data table :36.1083984375 KB

Pass an array that contains the variables without the keyword argument vars. The following order has to be preserved: InfoType-object, variables

clumps = getclumps(info, [ :index, :lev, :parent, :ncell, :peak_x, :peak_y, :peak_z]);
[Mera]: Get clump data: 2020-02-08T13:44:03.36

xmin::xmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]

Read 7 colums: 
Symbol[:index, :lev, :parent, :ncell, :peak_x, :peak_y, :peak_z]
Memory used for data table :36.1083984375 KB
Table with 644 rows, 7 columns:
index   lev  parent  ncell   peak_x   peak_y   peak_z
4.0     0.0  4.0     740.0   20.1094  11.5005  23.9604
5.0     0.0  5.0     1073.0  20.1592  11.5122  23.9253
9.0     0.0  9.0     551.0   21.7852  17.855   23.814
12.0    0.0  12.0    463.0   21.8232  17.8608  23.855
13.0    0.0  13.0    2141.0  21.8906  17.2837  23.5415
18.0    0.0  18.0    691.0   21.7822  16.8823  23.7817
19.0    0.0  19.0    608.0   21.75    16.8589  23.7993
20.0    0.0  20.0    1253.0  21.6006  17.5679  23.7935
25.0    0.0  25.0    1275.0  21.5801  17.6177  23.9341
26.0    0.0  26.0    1212.0  21.5859  17.5796  23.9165
29.0    0.0  29.0    1759.0  21.5625  17.5854  23.8726
46.0    0.0  46.0    4741.0  21.5215  17.6235  23.9458
2115.0  0.0  2115.0  1071.0  27.7705  13.2788  23.8081
2116.0  0.0  2116.0  839.0   27.7617  13.3081  23.8081
2117.0  0.0  2117.0  753.0   27.7793  13.2993  23.6851
2120.0  0.0  2120.0  866.0   27.7559  13.1792  23.8638
2125.0  0.0  2125.0  181.0   27.7939  13.0298  23.9194
2128.0  0.0  2128.0  296.0   27.791   13.0649  23.9019
2131.0  0.0  2131.0  323.0   28.3037  12.8188  23.9487
2132.0  0.0  2132.0  615.0   28.626   12.8188  23.8755
2137.0  0.0  2137.0  318.0   29.9736  15.0571  23.7202
2140.0  0.0  2140.0  1719.0  27.1436  15.6401  23.9048
2147.0  0.0  2147.0  1535.0  25.1953  9.93604  23.9897

Load more than the found 12 columns from the header of the clump files. The order of the variables has to be consistent with the header in the clump files:

clumps = getclumps(info, vars=[  :index, :lev, :parent, :ncell, :peak_x, :peak_y, :peak_z, Symbol("rho-"), Symbol("rho+"), :rho_av, :mass_cl, :relevance, :vx, :vy, :vz]);
[Mera]: Get clump data: 2020-02-08T13:44:04.175

xmin::xmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.0 :: 1.0  	==> 0.0 [kpc] :: 48.0 [kpc]

Read 15 colums: 
Symbol[:index, :lev, :parent, :ncell, :peak_x, :peak_y, :peak_z, Symbol("rho-"), Symbol("rho+"), :rho_av, :mass_cl, :relevance, :vx, :vy, :vz]
Memory used for data table :77.1787109375 KB
Table with 644 rows, 15 columns:
#   colname    type
1   index      Float64
2   lev        Float64
3   parent     Float64
4   ncell      Float64
5   peak_x     Float64
6   peak_y     Float64
7   peak_z     Float64
8   rho-       Float64
9   rho+       Float64
10  rho_av     Float64
11  mass_cl    Float64
12  relevance  Float64
13  vx         Float64
14  vy         Float64
15  vz         Float64

Select Spatial Ranges

Use RAMSES Standard Notation

Ranges correspond to the domain [0:1]^3 and are related to the box corner at [0., 0., 0.] by default.

clumps = getclumps(info, 
[Mera]: Get clump data: 2020-02-08T13:44:06.579

xmin::xmax: 0.2 :: 0.8  	==> 9.6 [kpc] :: 38.4 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.2 :: 0.8  	==> 9.6 [kpc] :: 38.4 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4 :: 0.6  	==> 19.2 [kpc] :: 28.8 [kpc]

Read 12 colums: 
Symbol[:index, :lev, :parent, :ncell, :peak_x, :peak_y, :peak_z, Symbol("rho-"), Symbol("rho+"), :rho_av, :mass_cl, :relevance]
Memory used for data table :61.77734375 KB

The loaded data ranges are assigned to the field ranges in an array in RAMSES standard notation (domain: [0:1]^3):

6-element Array{Float64,1}:

Ranges relative to a given center:

clumps = getclumps(info, 
                    xrange=[-0.3, 0.3], 
                    yrange=[-0.3, 0.3], 
                    zrange=[-0.1, 0.1], 
                    center=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]); 
[Mera]: Get clump data: 2020-02-08T13:44:09.633

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.2 :: 0.8  	==> 9.6 [kpc] :: 38.4 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.2 :: 0.8  	==> 9.6 [kpc] :: 38.4 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4 :: 0.6  	==> 19.2 [kpc] :: 28.8 [kpc]

Read 12 colums: 
Symbol[:index, :lev, :parent, :ncell, :peak_x, :peak_y, :peak_z, Symbol("rho-"), Symbol("rho+"), :rho_av, :mass_cl, :relevance]
Memory used for data table :61.77734375 KB

Use notation in physical units

In the following example the ranges are given in units "kpc", relative to the box corner 0., 0., 0.:

clumps = getclumps(info, 
[Mera]: Get clump data: 2020-02-08T13:44:09.96

xmin::xmax: 0.0416667 :: 0.4583333  	==> 2.0 [kpc] :: 22.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.0416667 :: 0.4583333  	==> 2.0 [kpc] :: 22.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Read 12 colums: 
Symbol[:index, :lev, :parent, :ncell, :peak_x, :peak_y, :peak_z, Symbol("rho-"), Symbol("rho+"), :rho_av, :mass_cl, :relevance]
Memory used for data table :12.83984375 KB

The possible physical length units for the keyword range_unit are defined in the field scale :

viewfields(info.scale) # or e.g.: clumps.info.scale
[Mera]: Fields to scale from user/code units to selected units
Mpc	= 0.0010000000000006482
kpc	= 1.0000000000006481
pc	= 1000.0000000006482
mpc	= 1.0000000000006482e6
ly	= 3261.5637769461323
Au	= 2.0626480623310105e23
km	= 3.0856775812820004e16
m	= 3.085677581282e19
cm	= 3.085677581282e21
mm	= 3.085677581282e22
μm	= 3.085677581282e25
Msol_pc3	= 0.9997234790001649
g_cm3	= 6.76838218451376e-23
Msol_pc2	= 999.7234790008131
g_cm2	= 0.20885045168302602
Gyr	= 0.014910986463557083
Myr	= 14.910986463557084
yr	= 1.4910986463557083e7
s	= 4.70554946422349e14
ms	= 4.70554946422349e17
Msol	= 9.99723479002109e8
Mearth	= 3.329677459032007e14
Mjupiter	= 1.0476363431814971e12
g	= 1.9885499720830952e42
km_s	= 65.57528732282063
m_s	= 65575.28732282063
cm_s	= 6.557528732282063e6
nH	= 30.987773856809987
erg	= 8.551000140274429e55
g_cms2	= 2.9104844143584656e-9
T_mu	= 517028.3199143136
Ba	= 2.910484414358466e-9

Ranges relative to a given center e.g. in units "kpc":

clumps = getclumps(info, 
[Mera]: Get clump data: 2020-02-08T13:44:10.318

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Read 12 colums: 
Symbol[:index, :lev, :parent, :ncell, :peak_x, :peak_y, :peak_z, Symbol("rho-"), Symbol("rho+"), :rho_av, :mass_cl, :relevance]
Memory used for data table :61.77734375 KB

Use the short notation for the box center :bc or :boxcenter for all dimensions (x,y,z):

clumps = getclumps(info, 
[Mera]: Get clump data: 2020-02-08T13:44:11.159

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Read 12 colums: 
Symbol[:index, :lev, :parent, :ncell, :peak_x, :peak_y, :peak_z, Symbol("rho-"), Symbol("rho+"), :rho_av, :mass_cl, :relevance]
Memory used for data table :61.77734375 KB
clumps = getclumps(info, 
[Mera]: Get clump data: 2020-02-08T13:44:11.478

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Read 12 colums: 
Symbol[:index, :lev, :parent, :ncell, :peak_x, :peak_y, :peak_z, Symbol("rho-"), Symbol("rho+"), :rho_av, :mass_cl, :relevance]
Memory used for data table :61.77734375 KB

Use the box center notation for individual dimensions, here x,z:

clumps = getclumps(info, 
                    center=[:bc, 24., :bc], 
[Mera]: Get clump data: 2020-02-08T13:44:12.344

center: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ==> [24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc] :: 24.0 [kpc]]

xmin::xmax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
ymin::ymax: 0.1666667 :: 0.8333333  	==> 8.0 [kpc] :: 40.0 [kpc]
zmin::zmax: 0.4583333 :: 0.5416667  	==> 22.0 [kpc] :: 26.0 [kpc]

Read 12 colums: 
Symbol[:index, :lev, :parent, :ncell, :peak_x, :peak_y, :peak_z, Symbol("rho-"), Symbol("rho+"), :rho_av, :mass_cl, :relevance]
Memory used for data table :61.77734375 KB