First Steps
Simulation Overview
using Mera
Get information with the function $getinfo$ about the simulation for a selected output and assign it to an object, here: "info" (composite type). The RAMSES output folders are assumed to be in the current working directory, and the user can give a relative or absolute path. The information is read from several files: info-file, header-file, from the header of the Fortran binary files of the first CPU (hydro, grav, part, clump, sink, ... if they exist), etc. Many familiar names and acronyms known from RAMSES are maintained. The function $getinfo$ prints a small summary and the given units are printed in human-readable representation.
info = getinfo(300, "../../testing/simulations/mw_L10"); # output=300 in given path
[Mera]: 2023-04-10T10:09:57.797
output [300] summary:
mtime: 2023-04-09T05:34:09
ctime: 2023-04-10T08:08:14.488
simulation time: 445.89 [Myr]
boxlen: 48.0 [kpc]
ncpu: 640
ndim: 3
amr: true
level(s): 6 - 10 --> cellsize(s): 750.0 [pc] - 46.88 [pc]
hydro: true
hydro-variables: 7 --> (:rho, :vx, :vy, :vz, :p, :var6, :var7)
hydro-descriptor: (:density, :velocity_x, :velocity_y, :velocity_z, :pressure, :scalar_00, :scalar_01)
γ: 1.6667
gravity: true
gravity-variables: (:epot, :ax, :ay, :az)
particles: true
- Nstars: 5.445150e+05
particle-variables: 7 --> (:vx, :vy, :vz, :mass, :family, :tag, :birth)
particle-descriptor: (:position_x, :position_y, :position_z, :velocity_x, :velocity_y, :velocity_z, :mass, :identity, :levelp, :family, :tag, :birth_time)
rt: false
clumps: false
timer-file: true
compilation-file: false
makefile: true
patchfile: true
The simulation output can be selected in several ways, which is realised by using multiple dispatch. See the different defined methods on the function $getinfo$:
# info = getinfo(); # default: output=1 in current folder,
# info = getinfo("../simulations/"); # given path, default: output=1
# info = getinfo(output=400, path="../simulations/"); # pass path and output number by keywords
4 methods for generic function <b>getinfo</b>:<ul><li> getinfo(; <i>output, path, namelist, verbose</i>) in Mera at <a href="file:///Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/readdata/RAMSES/getinfo.jl" target="blank">/Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/readdata/RAMSES/getinfo.jl:58</a></li> <li> getinfo(output::<b>Real</b>; <i>path, namelist, verbose</i>) in Mera at <a href="file:///Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/readdata/RAMSES/getinfo.jl" target="blank">/Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/readdata/RAMSES/getinfo.jl:46</a></li> <li> getinfo(output::<b>Real</b>, path::<b>String</b>; <i>namelist, verbose</i>) in Mera at <a href="file:///Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/readdata/RAMSES/getinfo.jl" target="blank">/Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/readdata/RAMSES/getinfo.jl:50</a></li> <li> getinfo(path::<b>String</b>; <i>output, namelist, verbose</i>) in Mera at <a href="file:///Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/readdata/RAMSES/getinfo.jl" target="blank">/Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/readdata/RAMSES/getinfo.jl:54</a></li> </ul>
The created object $info$ is of type $InfoType$ (composite type):
The previously printed information and even more simulation properties are assigned to the object and can be accessed from fields and sub-fields. Get an overview with:
output = 300
path = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10
fnames ==> subfields: (:output, :info, :amr, :hydro, :hydro_descriptor, :gravity, :particles, :part_descriptor, :rt, :rt_descriptor, :rt_descriptor_v0, :clumps, :timer, :header, :namelist, :compilation, :makefile, :patchfile)
simcode = RAMSES
mtime = 2023-04-09T05:34:09
ctime = 2023-04-10T08:08:14.488
ncpu = 640
ndim = 3
levelmin = 6
levelmax = 10
boxlen = 48.0
time = 29.9031937665063
aexp = 1.0
H0 = 1.0
omega_m = 1.0
omega_l = 0.0
omega_k = 0.0
omega_b = 0.045
unit_l = 3.085677581282e21
unit_d = 6.76838218451376e-23
unit_m = 1.9885499720830952e42
unit_v = 6.557528732282063e6
unit_t = 4.70554946422349e14
gamma = 1.6667
hydro = true
nvarh = 7
nvarp = 7
nvarrt = 0
variable_list = [:rho, :vx, :vy, :vz, :p, :var6, :var7]
gravity_variable_list = [:epot, :ax, :ay, :az]
particles_variable_list = [:vx, :vy, :vz, :mass, :family, :tag, :birth]
rt_variable_list = Symbol[]
clumps_variable_list = Symbol[]
sinks_variable_list = Symbol[]
descriptor ==> subfields: (:hversion, :hydro, :htypes, :usehydro, :hydrofile, :pversion, :particles, :ptypes, :useparticles, :particlesfile, :gravity, :usegravity, :gravityfile, :rtversion, :rt, :rtPhotonGroups, :usert, :rtfile, :clumps, :useclumps, :clumpsfile, :sinks, :usesinks, :sinksfile)
amr = true
gravity = true
particles = true
rt = false
clumps = false
sinks = false
namelist = true
headerfile = true
makefile = true
files_content ==> subfields: (:makefile, :timerfile, :patchfile)
timerfile = true
compilationfile = false
patchfile = true
Narraysize = 0
scale ==> subfields: (:Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :Au, :km, :m, :cm, :mm, :μm, :Mpc3, :kpc3, :pc3, :mpc3, :ly3, :Au3, :km3, :m3, :cm3, :mm3, :μm3, :Msol_pc3, :Msun_pc3, :g_cm3, :Msol_pc2, :Msun_pc2, :g_cm2, :Gyr, :Myr, :yr, :s, :ms, :Msol, :Msun, :Mearth, :Mjupiter, :g, :km_s, :m_s, :cm_s, :nH, :erg, :g_cms2, :T_mu, :K_mu, :T, :K, :Ba, :g_cm_s2, :p_kB, :K_cm3)
grid_info ==> subfields: (:ngridmax, :nstep_coarse, :nx, :ny, :nz, :nlevelmax, :nboundary, :ngrid_current, :bound_key, :cpu_read)
mpart_info ==> subfields: (:eta_sn, :age_sn, :f_w, :Npart, :Ndm, :Nstars, :Nsinks, :Ncloud, :Ndebris, :Nother, :Nundefined, :other_tracer1, :debris_tracer, :cloud_tracer, :star_tracer, :other_tracer2, :gas_tracer)
compilation ==> subfields: (:compile_date, :patch_dir, :remote_repo, :local_branch, :last_commit)
constants ==> subfields: (:Au, :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :Msol, :Msun, :Mearth, :Mjupiter, :Rsol, :Rsun, :me, :mp, :mn, :mH, :amu, :NA, :c, :G, :kB, :Gyr, :Myr, :yr)
Get a simple list of the fields of any object:
(:output, :path, :fnames, :simcode, :mtime, :ctime, :ncpu, :ndim, :levelmin, :levelmax, :boxlen, :time, :aexp, :H0, :omega_m, :omega_l, :omega_k, :omega_b, :unit_l, :unit_d, :unit_m, :unit_v, :unit_t, :gamma, :hydro, :nvarh, :nvarp, :nvarrt, :variable_list, :gravity_variable_list, :particles_variable_list, :rt_variable_list, :clumps_variable_list, :sinks_variable_list, :descriptor, :amr, :gravity, :particles, :rt, :clumps, :sinks, :namelist, :namelist_content, :headerfile, :makefile, :files_content, :timerfile, :compilationfile, :patchfile, :Narraysize, :scale, :grid_info, :part_info, :compilation, :constants)
Physical Units
All calculations in MERA are processed in the code units of the loaded simulation. The RAMSES scaling factors from code- to cgs-units are given for the length, density, mass, velocity and time, assigned to the fields: unitl, unitd, unitm, unitv, unit_t
To make life easier, we provide more predefined scaling factors, assigned to the sub-field $scale$:
[Mera]: Fields to scale from user/code units to selected units
Mpc = 0.0010000000000006482
kpc = 1.0000000000006481
pc = 1000.0000000006482
mpc = 1.0000000000006482e6
ly = 3261.5637769461323
Au = 2.0626480623310105e23
km = 3.0856775812820004e16
m = 3.085677581282e19
cm = 3.085677581282e21
mm = 3.085677581282e22
μm = 3.085677581282e25
Mpc3 = 1.0000000000019446e-9
kpc3 = 1.0000000000019444
pc3 = 1.0000000000019448e9
mpc3 = 1.0000000000019446e18
ly3 = 3.469585750743794e10
Au3 = 8.775571306099254e69
km3 = 2.9379989454983075e49
m3 = 2.9379989454983063e58
cm3 = 2.9379989454983065e64
mm3 = 2.937998945498306e67
μm3 = 2.937998945498306e76
Msol_pc3 = 0.9997234790001649
Msun_pc3 = 0.9997234790001649
g_cm3 = 6.76838218451376e-23
Msol_pc2 = 999.7234790008131
Msun_pc2 = 999.7234790008131
g_cm2 = 0.20885045168302602
Gyr = 0.014910986463557083
Myr = 14.910986463557084
yr = 1.4910986463557083e7
s = 4.70554946422349e14
ms = 4.70554946422349e17
Msol = 9.99723479002109e8
Msun = 9.99723479002109e8
Mearth = 3.329677459032007e14
Mjupiter = 1.0476363431814971e12
g = 1.9885499720830952e42
km_s = 65.57528732282063
m_s = 65575.28732282063
cm_s = 6.557528732282063e6
nH = 30.987773856809987
erg = 8.551000140274429e55
g_cms2 = 2.9104844143584656e-9
T_mu = 517028.3199143136
K_mu = 517028.3199143136
T = 680300.4209398864
K = 680300.4209398864
Ba = 2.910484414358466e-9
g_cm_s2 = 2.910484414358466e-9
p_kB = 2.1080995598777838e7
K_cm3 = 2.1080995598777838e7
list_field = propertynames( info.scale )
(:Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :Au, :km, :m, :cm, :mm, :μm, :Mpc3, :kpc3, :pc3, :mpc3, :ly3, :Au3, :km3, :m3, :cm3, :mm3, :μm3, :Msol_pc3, :Msun_pc3, :g_cm3, :Msol_pc2, :Msun_pc2, :g_cm2, :Gyr, :Myr, :yr, :s, :ms, :Msol, :Msun, :Mearth, :Mjupiter, :g, :km_s, :m_s, :cm_s, :nH, :erg, :g_cms2, :T_mu, :K_mu, :T, :K, :Ba, :g_cm_s2, :p_kB, :K_cm3)
The underline in the unit representation corresponds to the fraction line, e.g.:
field name | corresponding unit |
Msun_pc3 | Msun * pc^-3 |
g_cm3 | g * cm^-3 |
Msun_pc2 | Msun * pc^-2 |
g_cm2 | g * cm^-2 |
km_s | km * s^-1 |
m_s | m * s^-1 |
cm_s | cm * s^-1 |
g_cms2 | g / (cm * s^2) |
nH | cm^-3 |
T_mu | T / μ |
T_mu | K / μ |
p_kB | p / kB |
Ba | = Barye (pressure) [cm^-1 * g * s^-2] |
Access a scaling factor to use it in your calculations or plots by e.g.:
To reduce the hierarchy of sub-fields, assign a new object:
scale = info.scale;
The scaling factor can now be accessed by:
Furthermore, the scales can be assigned by applying the function $createscales$ on an object of type $InfoType$ (here: info
my_scales = createscales(info)
Physical Constants
Some useful constants are assigned to the InfoType
[Mera]: Constants given in cgs units
Au = 0.01495978707
Mpc = 3.08567758128e24
kpc = 3.08567758128e21
pc = 3.08567758128e18
mpc = 3.08567758128e15
ly = 9.4607304725808e17
Msol = 1.9891e33
Msun = 1.9891e33
Mearth = 5.9722e27
Mjupiter = 1.89813e30
Rsol = 6.96e10
Rsun = 6.96e10
me = 9.1093897e-28
mp = 1.6726231e-24
mn = 1.6749286e-24
mH = 1.66e-24
amu = 1.6605402e-24
NA = 6.0221367e23
c = 2.99792458e10
G = 6.67259e-8
kB = 1.38062e-16
Gyr = 3.15576e16
Myr = 3.15576e13
yr = 3.15576e7
Reduce the hierarchy of sub-fields:
con = info.constants;
[Mera]: Constants given in cgs units
Au = 0.01495978707
Mpc = 3.08567758128e24
kpc = 3.08567758128e21
pc = 3.08567758128e18
mpc = 3.08567758128e15
ly = 9.4607304725808e17
Msol = 1.9891e33
Msun = 1.9891e33
Mearth = 5.9722e27
Mjupiter = 1.89813e30
Rsol = 6.96e10
Rsun = 6.96e10
me = 9.1093897e-28
mp = 1.6726231e-24
mn = 1.6749286e-24
mH = 1.66e-24
amu = 1.6605402e-24
NA = 6.0221367e23
c = 2.99792458e10
G = 6.67259e-8
kB = 1.38062e-16
Gyr = 3.15576e16
Myr = 3.15576e13
yr = 3.15576e7
InfoType Fields Overview
All fields and sub-fields that are assigned to the InfoType
or from other objects can be viewed by the function viewfields, namelist, makefile, timerfile, patchfile. See the methods list:
11 methods for generic function <b>viewfields</b>:<ul><li> viewfields(object::<b>InfoType</b>) in Mera at <a href="file:///Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl" target="blank">/Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl:10</a></li> <li> viewfields(object::<b>ArgumentsType</b>) in Mera at <a href="file:///Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl" target="blank">/Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl:54</a></li> <li> viewfields(object::<b>ScalesType001</b>) in Mera at <a href="file:///Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl" target="blank">/Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl:74</a></li> <li> viewfields(object::<b>PartInfoType</b>) in Mera at <a href="file:///Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl" target="blank">/Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl:90</a></li> <li> viewfields(object::<b>GridInfoType</b>) in Mera at <a href="file:///Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl" target="blank">/Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl:107</a></li> <li> viewfields(object::<b>CompilationInfoType</b>) in Mera at <a href="file:///Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl" target="blank">/Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl:133</a></li> <li> viewfields(object::<b>FileNamesType</b>) in Mera at <a href="file:///Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl" target="blank">/Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl:151</a></li> <li> viewfields(object::<b>DescriptorType</b>) in Mera at <a href="file:///Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl" target="blank">/Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl:167</a></li> <li> viewfields(object::<b>Mera.FilesContentType</b>) in Mera at <a href="file:///Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl" target="blank">/Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl:183</a></li> <li> viewfields(object::<b>PhysicalUnitsType001</b>) in Mera at <a href="file:///Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl" target="blank">/Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl:198</a></li> <li> viewfields(object::<b>DataSetType</b>) in Mera at <a href="file:///Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl" target="_blank">/Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl:215</a></li> </ul>
2 methods for generic function <b>namelist</b>:<ul><li> namelist(object::<b>InfoType</b>) in Mera at <a href="file:///Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl" target="blank">/Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl:244</a></li> <li> namelist(object::<b>Dict{Any, Any}</b>) in Mera at <a href="file:///Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl" target="blank">/Users/mabe/.julia/packages/Mera/tD6wJ/src/functions/viewfields.jl:262</a></li> </ul>
Get a detailed overview of all the fields from MERA composite types:
output = 300
path = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10
fnames ==> subfields: (:output, :info, :amr, :hydro, :hydro_descriptor, :gravity, :particles, :part_descriptor, :rt, :rt_descriptor, :rt_descriptor_v0, :clumps, :timer, :header, :namelist, :compilation, :makefile, :patchfile)
simcode = RAMSES
mtime = 2023-04-09T05:34:09
ctime = 2023-04-10T08:08:14.488
ncpu = 640
ndim = 3
levelmin = 6
levelmax = 10
boxlen = 48.0
time = 29.9031937665063
aexp = 1.0
H0 = 1.0
omega_m = 1.0
omega_l = 0.0
omega_k = 0.0
omega_b = 0.045
unit_l = 3.085677581282e21
unit_d = 6.76838218451376e-23
unit_m = 1.9885499720830952e42
unit_v = 6.557528732282063e6
unit_t = 4.70554946422349e14
gamma = 1.6667
hydro = true
nvarh = 7
nvarp = 7
nvarrt = 0
variable_list = [:rho, :vx, :vy, :vz, :p, :var6, :var7]
gravity_variable_list = [:epot, :ax, :ay, :az]
particles_variable_list = [:vx, :vy, :vz, :mass, :family, :tag, :birth]
rt_variable_list = Symbol[]
clumps_variable_list = Symbol[]
sinks_variable_list = Symbol[]
descriptor ==> subfields: (:hversion, :hydro, :htypes, :usehydro, :hydrofile, :pversion, :particles, :ptypes, :useparticles, :particlesfile, :gravity, :usegravity, :gravityfile, :rtversion, :rt, :rtPhotonGroups, :usert, :rtfile, :clumps, :useclumps, :clumpsfile, :sinks, :usesinks, :sinksfile)
amr = true
gravity = true
particles = true
rt = false
clumps = false
sinks = false
namelist = true
headerfile = true
makefile = true
files_content ==> subfields: (:makefile, :timerfile, :patchfile)
timerfile = true
compilationfile = false
patchfile = true
Narraysize = 0
scale ==> subfields: (:Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :Au, :km, :m, :cm, :mm, :μm, :Mpc3, :kpc3, :pc3, :mpc3, :ly3, :Au3, :km3, :m3, :cm3, :mm3, :μm3, :Msol_pc3, :Msun_pc3, :g_cm3, :Msol_pc2, :Msun_pc2, :g_cm2, :Gyr, :Myr, :yr, :s, :ms, :Msol, :Msun, :Mearth, :Mjupiter, :g, :km_s, :m_s, :cm_s, :nH, :erg, :g_cms2, :T_mu, :K_mu, :T, :K, :Ba, :g_cm_s2, :p_kB, :K_cm3)
grid_info ==> subfields: (:ngridmax, :nstep_coarse, :nx, :ny, :nz, :nlevelmax, :nboundary, :ngrid_current, :bound_key, :cpu_read)
part_info ==> subfields: (:eta_sn, :age_sn, :f_w, :Npart, :Ndm, :Nstars, :Nsinks, :Ncloud, :Ndebris, :Nother, :Nundefined, :other_tracer1, :debris_tracer, :cloud_tracer, :star_tracer, :other_tracer2, :gas_tracer)
compilation ==> subfields: (:compile_date, :patch_dir, :remote_repo, :local_branch, :last_commit)
constants ==> subfields: (:Au, :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :Msol, :Msun, :Mearth, :Mjupiter, :Rsol, :Rsun, :me, :mp, :mn, :mH, :amu, :NA, :c, :G, :kB, :Gyr, :Myr, :yr)
[Mera]: Fields to scale from user/code units to selected units
Mpc = 0.0010000000000006482
kpc = 1.0000000000006481
pc = 1000.0000000006482
mpc = 1.0000000000006482e6
ly = 3261.5637769461323
Au = 2.0626480623310105e23
km = 3.0856775812820004e16
m = 3.085677581282e19
cm = 3.085677581282e21
mm = 3.085677581282e22
μm = 3.085677581282e25
Mpc3 = 1.0000000000019446e-9
kpc3 = 1.0000000000019444
pc3 = 1.0000000000019448e9
mpc3 = 1.0000000000019446e18
ly3 = 3.469585750743794e10
Au3 = 8.775571306099254e69
km3 = 2.9379989454983075e49
m3 = 2.9379989454983063e58
cm3 = 2.9379989454983065e64
mm3 = 2.937998945498306e67
μm3 = 2.937998945498306e76
Msol_pc3 = 0.9997234790001649
Msun_pc3 = 0.9997234790001649
g_cm3 = 6.76838218451376e-23
Msol_pc2 = 999.7234790008131
Msun_pc2 = 999.7234790008131
g_cm2 = 0.20885045168302602
Gyr = 0.014910986463557083
Myr = 14.910986463557084
yr = 1.4910986463557083e7
s = 4.70554946422349e14
ms = 4.70554946422349e17
Msol = 9.99723479002109e8
Msun = 9.99723479002109e8
Mearth = 3.329677459032007e14
Mjupiter = 1.0476363431814971e12
g = 1.9885499720830952e42
km_s = 65.57528732282063
m_s = 65575.28732282063
cm_s = 6.557528732282063e6
nH = 30.987773856809987
erg = 8.551000140274429e55
g_cms2 = 2.9104844143584656e-9
T_mu = 517028.3199143136
K_mu = 517028.3199143136
T = 680300.4209398864
K = 680300.4209398864
Ba = 2.910484414358466e-9
g_cm_s2 = 2.910484414358466e-9
p_kB = 2.1080995598777838e7
K_cm3 = 2.1080995598777838e7
[Mera]: Constants given in cgs units
Au = 0.01495978707
Mpc = 3.08567758128e24
kpc = 3.08567758128e21
pc = 3.08567758128e18
mpc = 3.08567758128e15
ly = 9.4607304725808e17
Msol = 1.9891e33
Msun = 1.9891e33
Mearth = 5.9722e27
Mjupiter = 1.89813e30
Rsol = 6.96e10
Rsun = 6.96e10
me = 9.1093897e-28
mp = 1.6726231e-24
mn = 1.6749286e-24
mH = 1.66e-24
amu = 1.6605402e-24
NA = 6.0221367e23
c = 2.99792458e10
G = 6.67259e-8
kB = 1.38062e-16
Gyr = 3.15576e16
Myr = 3.15576e13
yr = 3.15576e7
[Mera]: Paths and file-names
output = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10/output_00300
info = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10/output_00300/info_00300.txt
amr = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10/output_00300/amr_00300.
hydro = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10/output_00300/hydro_00300.
hydro_descriptor = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10/output_00300/hydro_file_descriptor.txt
gravity = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10/output_00300/grav_00300.
particles = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10/output_00300/part_00300.
part_descriptor = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10/output_00300/part_file_descriptor.txt
rt = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10/output_00300/rt_00300.
rt_descriptor = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10/output_00300/rt_file_descriptor.txt
rt_descriptor_v0 = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10/output_00300/info_rt_00300.txt
clumps = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10/output_00300/clump_00300.
timer = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10/output_00300/timer_00300.txt
header = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10/output_00300/header_00300.txt
namelist = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10/output_00300/namelist.txt
compilation = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10/output_00300/compilation.txt
makefile = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10/output_00300/makefile.txt
patchfile = /Users/mabe/Documents/codes/github/Mera.jl/tutorials/version_1/../../testing/simulations/mw_L10/output_00300/patches.txt
[Mera]: Descriptor overview
hversion = 1
hydro = [:density, :velocity_x, :velocity_y, :velocity_z, :pressure, :scalar_00, :scalar_01]
htypes = ["d", "d", "d", "d", "d", "d", "d"]
usehydro = false
hydrofile = true
pversion = 1
particles = [:position_x, :position_y, :position_z, :velocity_x, :velocity_y, :velocity_z, :mass, :identity, :levelp, :family, :tag, :birth_time]
ptypes = ["d", "d", "d", "d", "d", "d", "d", "i", "i", "b", "b", "d"]
useparticles = false
particlesfile = true
gravity = [:epot, :ax, :ay, :az]
usegravity = false
gravityfile = false
rtversion = 0
rt = Dict{Any, Any}()
rtPhotonGroups = Dict{Any, Any}()
usert = false
rtfile = false
clumps = Symbol[]
useclumps = false
clumpsfile = false
sinks = Symbol[]
usesinks = false
sinksfile = false
[Mera]: Namelist file content
cooling =.true.
z_ave =1.
m_star = 1
n_star = 10. !H/cc
T2_star = 0 !T/mu K
eps_star = 0.01 !1%
levelmax =10
npartmax = 200000
ngridmax = 1000000 !1000000
boxlen =48.0 !kpc
levelmin =6
nexpand =1 !number of mesh expansions (mesh smoothing)
jbound_min = 0, 0,-1,+1,-1,-1
kbound_max = 0, 0, 0, 0,-1,+1
no_inflow =.true.
bound_type = 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 !2
nboundary = 6
ibound_max =-1,+1,+1,+1,+1,+1
ibound_min =-1,+1,-1,-1,-1,-1
jbound_max = 0, 0,-1,+1,+1,+1
kbound_min = 0, 0, 0, 0,-1,+1
tend =400
delta_tout =0.1 !Time increment between outputs
gravity_type =-3 !for 0 ->self gravitation ; 3 ->ext pot; -3 ->ext. pot. + sg
pic =.true.
nsubcycle =20*2
ncontrol =100 !frequency of screen output
poisson =.true.
verbose =.false.
nremap =10 !10
nrestart =0
hydro =.true.
eta_sn =0.2
delayed_cooling =.true.
t_diss = 1.5
slope_type =1
smallr =1e-11
gamma =1.6667
courant_factor =0.6
!smallc =
riemann ='hllc'
nregion =2
[Mera]: Grid overview
ngridmax = 1000000
nstep_coarse = 6544
nx = 3
ny = 3
nz = 3
nlevelmax = 10
nboundary = 6
ngrid_current = 21305
bound_key ==> length(641)
cpu_read ==> length(641)
[Mera]: Particle overview
eta_sn = 0.0
age_sn = 0.6706464407596582
f_w = 0.0
Npart = 0
Ndm = 0
Nstars = 544515
Nsinks = 0
Ncloud = 0
Ndebris = 0
Nother = 0
Nundefined = 0
other_tracer1 = 0
debris_tracer = 0
cloud_tracer = 0
star_tracer = 0
other_tracer2 = 0
gas_tracer = 0
[Mera]: Compilation file overview
compile_date =
patch_dir =
remote_repo =
local_branch =
last_commit =
[Mera]: Makefile content
!content deleted on purpose
[Mera]: Timer-file content
minimum average maximum standard dev std/av % rmn rmx TIMER
426.559 428.960 431.540 1.216 0.003 0.5 562 606 coarse levels
2086.863 2285.294 2620.028 109.814 0.048 2.9 639 1 refine
518.746 519.356 520.299 0.572 0.001 0.7 608 21 load balance
173.017 565.169 1799.729 385.862 0.683 0.7 602 1 particles
5897.562 5897.616 5897.791 0.018 0.000 7.5 244 1 io
5176.808 9619.415 26606.857 5416.924 0.563 12.3 568 1 feedback
25022.898 25410.890 25585.446 143.363 0.006 32.4 1 602 poisson
1131.397 2241.256 2547.320 322.916 0.144 2.9 1 345 rho
521.635 678.056 1076.044 151.775 0.224 0.9 601 1 courant
82.818 115.742 135.415 10.926 0.094 0.1 398 125 hydro - set unew
7009.921 9876.180 12208.171 1176.765 0.119 12.6 481 343 hydro - godunov
948.967 16679.099 23569.950 4760.658 0.285 21.3 640 340 hydro - rev ghostzones
189.513 208.576 229.883 7.902 0.038 0.3 398 581 hydro - set uold
1757.246 1795.542 1860.788 11.757 0.007 2.3 524 180 cooling
84.519 300.570 375.587 67.032 0.223 0.4 1 593 hydro - ghostzones
933.143 1662.855 1788.316 119.084 0.072 2.1 1 639 flag
78327.986 100.0 TOTAL
Disc Space
Gives an overview of the used disc space for the different data types of the selected output:
Overview of the used disc space for output: [300]
Folder: 5.68 GB <2.26 MB>/file
AMR-Files: 1.1 GB <1.75 MB>/file
Hydro-Files: 2.87 GB <4.58 MB>/file
Gravity-Files: 1.68 GB <2.69 MB>/file
Particle-Files: 38.56 MB <61.6 KB>/file
mtime: 2023-04-09T05:34:09
ctime: 2023-04-10T08:08:14.488
Dict{Any, Any} with 8 entries:
:folder => 6101105264
:sink => 0.0
:particle => 40430034
:hydro => 3079240490
:gravity => 1802094080
:amr => 1177085816
:clump => 0.0
:rt => 0.0
Simulation outputs
Get an overview of existing output folders of a simulation
co = checkoutputs("../../testing/simulations/mw_L10")
Outputs - existing: 1 betw. 300:300 - missing: 1
Mera.CheckOutputNumberType([300], [301], "../../testing/simulations/mw_L10")
# It returns all output numbers of existing or missing (e.g. empty) folders:
(:outputs, :miss, :path)
1-element Vector{Int64}:
1-element Vector{Int64}: