
Abstract type hierarchies

DataSetType hierarchy

  • HydroMapsType <: DataMapsType
  • PartMapsType <: DataMapsType

List of types


Documentation Types


Mutable Struct: Contains clump data and information about the selected simulation

ClumpDataType <: ContainMassDataSetType


Abstract Supertype of all the different dataset type maps HydroMapsType <: DataMapsType PartMapsType <: DataMapsType


Abstract Supertype of all the different dataset types

HydroPartType <: ContainMassDataSetType <: DataSetType


Mutable Struct: Contains the 2D histogram returned by the function: histogram2 and information about the selected simulation


Mutable Struct: Contains hydro data and information about the selected simulation

HydroDataType <: HydroPartType


Mutable Struct: Contains the maps/units returned by the hydro-projection information about the selected simulation


Abstract Supertype of data-sets that contain hydro and particle data

HydroPartType <: ContainMassDataSetType <: DataSetType


Mutable Struct: Collected information about the selected simulation output


Mutable Struct: Contains particle data and information about the selected simulation

PartDataType <: HydroPartType


Mutable Struct: Contains the maps/units returned by the particles-projection information about the selected simulation


Mutable Struct: Contains the created scale factors from code to physical units


Documentation Functions


Get the number of cells and/or the CPUs per level

function overview_amr(dataobject::GravDataType, verbose::Bool=true)
function overview_amr(dataobject::GravDataType; verbose::Bool=true)

return a JuliaDB table

Get the number of cells and/or the CPUs per level

function overview_amr(dataobject::HydroDataType, verbose::Bool=true)
function overview_amr(dataobject::HydroDataType; verbose::Bool=true)

return a JuliaDB table

Get the number of particles and/or the CPUs per level

function overview_amr(dataobject::PartDataType, verbose::Bool=true)
function overview_amr(dataobject::PartDataType; verbose::Bool=true)

return a JuliaDB table

Calculate the average velocity (w/o mass-weight) of any ContainMassDataSetType:

average_velocity(dataobject::ContainMassDataSetType; unit::Symbol=:standard, weighting::Symbol=:mass, mask::MaskType=[false])

return Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64,}



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "ContainMassDataSetType"

Optional Keywords:

  • unit: the unit of the result (can be used w/o keyword): :standard (code units) :kms, :ms, :cm_s (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined velocity-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • weighting: use different weightings: :mass (default), :volume (hydro), :no
  • mask: needs to be of type MaskType which is a supertype of Array{Bool,1} or BitArray{1} with the length of the database (rows)

Get a notification sound, e.g., when your calculations are finished.

This may not apply when working remotely on a server:

julia> bell()

Calculate the average velocity (w/o mass-weight) of any ContainMassDataSetType:

bulk_velocity(dataobject::ContainMassDataSetType; unit::Symbol=:standard, weighting::Symbol=:mass, mask::MaskType=[false])

return Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64,}



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "ContainMassDataSetType"

Optional Keywords:

  • unit: the unit of the result (can be used w/o keyword): :standard (code units) :kms, :ms, :cm_s (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined velocity-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • weighting: use different weightings: :mass (default), :volume (hydro), :no
  • mask: needs to be of type MaskType which is a supertype of Array{Bool,1} or BitArray{1} with the length of the database (rows)

Calculate the center-of-mass of any ContainMassDataSetType:

center_of_mass(dataobject::ContainMassDataSetType; unit::Symbol=:standard, mask::MaskType=[false])

return Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64,}



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "ContainMassDataSetType"

Optional Keywords:

  • unit: the unit of the result (can be used w/o keyword): :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • mask: needs to be of type MaskType which is a supertype of Array{Bool,1} or BitArray{1} with the length of the database (rows)

Calculate the joint center-of-mass of any HydroPartType:

center_of_mass(dataobject::Array{HydroPartType,1}, unit::Symbol; mask::MaskArrayAbstractType=[[false],[false]])

return Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64,}



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "Array{HydroPartType,1}""

Optional Keywords:

  • unit: the unit of the result (can be used w/o keyword): :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • mask: needs to be of type MaskArrayAbstractType which contains two entries with supertype of Array{Bool,1} or BitArray{1} and the length of the database (rows)

Get the existing simulation snapshots in a given folder

  • returns field outputs with Array{Int,1} containing the output-numbers of the existing simulations
  • returns field miss with Array{Int,1} containing the output-numbers of empty simulation folders
  • returns field path as String
checkoutputs(path::String="./"; verbose::Bool=true)
return CheckOutputNumberType


# Example 1:
# look in current folder
julia> N = checkoutputs();
julia> N.outputs
julia> N.miss
julia> N.path

# Example 2:
# look in given path
# without any keyword
julia>N = checkoutputs("simulation001");

List the existing simulation snapshots in a given folder

  • returns a Dictonary with existing simulations and their folder names with:
  • field outputs with Array{Int,1} containing the output-numbers of the existing simulations
  • field miss with Array{Int,1} containing the output-numbers of empty simulation folders
  • field path as String
checksimulations(path::String="./"; verbose::Bool=true, filternames=String[])
return Dict with named Tuple: simulation name and N=CheckOutputNumberType

Calculate the center-of-mass of any ContainMassDataSetType:

com(dataobject::ContainMassDataSetType; unit::Symbol=:standard, mask::MaskType=[false])

return Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64,}



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "ContainMassDataSetType"

Optional Keywords:

  • unit: the unit of the result (can be used w/o keyword): :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • mask: needs to be of type MaskType which is a supertype of Array{Bool,1} or BitArray{1} with the length of the database (rows)

Calculate the joint center-of-mass of any HydroPartType:

com(dataobject::Array{HydroPartType,1}, unit::Symbol; mask::MaskArrayAbstractType=[[false],[false]])

return Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64,}



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "Array{HydroPartType,1}""

Optional Keywords:

  • unit: the unit of the result (can be used w/o keyword): :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • mask: needs to be of type MaskArrayAbstractType which contains two entries with supertype of Array{Bool,1} or BitArray{1} and the length of the database (rows)

Create a New DataSetType from a Filtered Data Table

function construct_datatype(data::IndexedTables.AbstractIndexedTable, dataobject::HydroDataType)
return HydroDataType

function construct_datatype(data::IndexedTables.AbstractIndexedTable, dataobject::PartDataType)
return PartDataType

function construct_datatype(data::IndexedTables.AbstractIndexedTable, dataobject::ClumpDataType)
return ClumpDataType

function construct_datatype(data::IndexedTables.AbstractIndexedTable, dataobject::GravDataType)
return GravDataType


# read simulation information
julia> info = getinfo(420)
julia> gas = gethydro(info)

# filter and create a new` data table
julia> density = 3. /gas.scale.Msol_pc3
julia> filtered_db = @filter gas.data :rho >= density

# construct a new HydroDataType
# (comparable to the object "gas" but only with filtered data)
julia> gas_new = construct_datatype(filtered_db, gas)

Converts full simulation data into a compressed/uncompressed JLD2 format:

  • all existing datatypes are sequentially loaded and stored
  • supports :hydro, :particles, :hydro, :clumps
  • running number is taken from original RAMSES folders
  • use different compression methods
  • select a certain data range, smallr, smallc, lmax
  • add a string to describe the simulation
  • the individual loading and storing processes are timed and stored into the file (and more statistics)
  • toggle progressbar mode
  • toggle verbose mode
function convertdata(output::Int; datatypes::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing], path::String="./", fpath::String="./",
            fname = "output_",
            lmax::Union{Int, Missing}=missing,
            xrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
            yrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
            zrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
            center::Array{<:Any,1}=[0., 0., 0.],
            myargs::ArgumentsType=ArgumentsType() )

return statistics (dictionary)



  • output: output number

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

  • datatypes: default -> all available (known) data is converted; pass an array with only selected datatypes, e.g.: datatypes=[:hydro, :particles]
  • fname: default name of the files "output_" and the running number is added. Change the string to apply a user-defined name.
  • compress: by default compression is activated. compress=false (deactivate).

If necessary, choose between different compression types: LZ4FrameCompressor() (default), Bzip2Compressor(), ZlibCompressor(). Load the required package to choose the compression type and to see their parameters: CodecZlib, CodecBzip2 or CodecLz4

  • comments: add a string that includes e.g. a description about your simulation
  • lmax: the maximum level to be read from the data
  • path: path to the RAMSES folders; default is local path.
  • fpath: path to the JLD23 file; default is local path.
  • xrange: the range between [xmin, xmax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for xmin=xmax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • yrange: the range between [ymin, ymax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for ymin=ymax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • zrange: the range between [zmin, zmax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for zmin=zmax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • range_unit: the units of the given ranges: :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • center: in units given by argument range_unit; by default [0., 0., 0.]; the box-center can be selected by e.g. [:bc], [:boxcenter], [value, :bc, :bc], etc..
  • smallr: set lower limit for density; zero means inactive
  • smallc: set lower limit for thermal pressure; zero means inactive
  • myargs: pass a struct of ArgumentsType to pass several arguments at once and to overwrite default values of xrange, yrange, zrange, center, range_unit, verbose
  • verbose: print timestamp and further information on screen; default: true

Defined Methods - function defined for different arguments

  • convertdata(output::Int64; ...)
  • convertdata(output::Int64, datatypes::Vector{Symbol}; ...)
  • convertdata(output::Int64, datatypes::Symbol; ...)

```julia createpath(output::Real, path::String; namelist::String="")

return FileNamesType ```


Create an object with predefined scale factors from code to pysical units

function createscales!(dataobject::InfoType)

return ScalesType001

Get the extrema of each variable in the database

function dataoverview(dataobject::ClumpDataType)
return a JuliaDB table

todo: needs to be tested

Get the total epot and min/max value of each variable in the database per level

function dataoverview(dataobject::GravDataType, verbose::Bool=true)
function dataoverview(dataobject::GravDataType; verbose::Bool=true)

return a JuliaDB table

Get the mass and min/max value of each variable in the database per level

function dataoverview(dataobject::HydroDataType, verbose::Bool=true)
function dataoverview(dataobject::HydroDataType; verbose::Bool=true)

return a JuliaDB table

Get the min/max value of each variable in the database per level

function dataoverview(dataobject::PartDataType, verbose::Bool=true)
function dataoverview(dataobject::PartDataType; verbose::Bool=true)

return a JuliaDB table

Read the clump-data:

  • selected variables
  • limited to a spatial range
  • print the name of each data-file before reading it
  • toggle verbose mode
  • pass a struct with arguments (myargs)
getclumps(  dataobject::InfoType;
            xrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
            yrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
            zrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
            center::Array{<:Any,1}=[0., 0., 0.],
            myargs::ArgumentsType=ArgumentsType() )

Returns an object of type ClumpDataType, containing the clump-data table, the selected options and the simulation ScaleType and summary of the InfoType

return ClumpDataType()

# get an overview of the returned fields:
# e.g.:
julia> info = getinfo(100)
julia> clumps  = getclumps(info)
julia> viewfields(clumps)
julia> fieldnames(clumps)



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "InfoType", created by the function getinfo

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

  • vars: Currently, the length of the loaded variable list can be modified *(see examples below).
  • xrange: the range between [xmin, xmax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for xmin=xmax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • yrange: the range between [ymin, ymax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for ymin=ymax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • zrange: the range between [zmin, zmax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for zmin=zmax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • range_unit: the units of the given ranges: :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • center: in units given by argument range_unit; by default [0., 0., 0.]; the box-center can be selected by e.g. [:bc], [:boxcenter], [value, :bc, :bc], etc..
  • print_filenames: print on screen the current processed particle file of each CPU
  • verbose: print timestamp, selected vars and ranges on screen; default: true
  • myargs: pass a struct of ArgumentsType to pass several arguments at once and to overwrite default values of xrange, yrange, zrange, center, range_unit, verbose

Defined Methods - function defined for different arguments

  • getclumps(dataobject::InfoType; ...) # no given variables -> all variables loaded
  • getclumps(dataobject::InfoType, vars::Array{Symbol,1}; ...) # one or several given variables -> array needed


# read simulation information
julia> info = getinfo(420)

# Example 1:
# read clump data of all variables, full-box
julia> clumps = getclumps(info)

# Example 2:
# read clump data of all variables
# data range 20x20x4 kpc; ranges are given in kpc relative to the box (here: 48 kpc) center at 24 kpc
julia> clumps = getclumps(    info,
                              center=[24., 24., 24.],
                              range_unit=:kpc )

# Example 3:
# give the center of the box by simply passing: center = [:bc] or center = [:boxcenter]
# this is equivalent to center=[24.,24.,24.] in Example 2
# the following combination is also possible: e.g. center=[:bc, 12., 34.], etc.
julia> clumps = getclumps(  info,
                            center=[33., bc:, 10.],
                            range_unit=:kpc )

# Example 4:
# Load less than the found 12 columns from the header of the clump files;
# Pass an array with the variables to the keyword argument *vars*.
# The order of the variables has to be consistent with the header in the clump files:
julia> lumps = getclumps(info, [ :index, :lev, :parent, :ncell,
                                 :peak_x, :peak_y, :peak_z ])

# Example 5:
# Load more than the found 12 columns from the header of the clump files.
# E.g. the list can be extended with more names if there are more columns
# in the data than given by the header in the files.
# The order of the variables has to be consistent with the header in the clump files:
julia> clumps = getclumps(info, [   :index, :lev, :parent, :ncell,
                                    :peak_x, :peak_y, :peak_z,
                                    Symbol("rho-"), Symbol("rho+"),
                                    :rho_av, :mass_cl, :relevance,
                                    :vx, :vy, :vz ])

Get the extent of the dataset-domain:

function getextent( dataobject::DataSetType;
                     center::Array{<:Any,1}=[0., 0., 0.],

return (xmin, xmax), (ymin ,ymax ), (zmin ,zmax )



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "DataSetType"

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

  • center: in unit given by argument center_unit; by default [0., 0., 0.]; the box-center can be selected by e.g. [:bc], [:boxcenter], [value, :bc, :bc], etc..
  • center_unit: :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • direction: todo
  • unit: return the variables in given unit

Defined Methods - function defined for different arguments

  • getextent( dataobject::DataSetType; # one given variable
  • getextent( dataobject::DataSetType, unit::Symbol; ...) # one given variable with its unit

Read the leaf-cells of the gravity-data:

  • select variables
  • limit to a maximum level
  • limit to a spatial range
  • print the name of each data-file before reading it
  • toggle verbose mode
  • toggle progress bar
  • pass a struct with arguments (myargs)
getgravity(   dataobject::InfoType;
            xrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
            yrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
            zrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
            center::Array{<:Any,1}=[0., 0., 0.],
            myargs::ArgumentsType=ArgumentsType()  )

Returns an object of type GravDataType, containing the gravity-data table, the selected options and the simulation ScaleType and summary of the InfoType

return GravDataType()

# get an overview of the returned fields:
# e.g.:
julia> info = getinfo(100)
julia> grav  = getgravity(info)
julia> viewfields(grav)
julia> fieldnames(grav)



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "InfoType", created by the function getinfo

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

  • lmax: the maximum level to be read from the data
  • var(s): the selected gravity variables in arbitrary order: :all (default), :cpu, :epot, :ax, :ay, :az
  • xrange: the range between [xmin, xmax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for xmin=xmax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • yrange: the range between [ymin, ymax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for ymin=ymax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • zrange: the range between [zmin, zmax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for zmin=zmax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • range_unit: the units of the given ranges: :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • center: in units given by argument range_unit; by default [0., 0., 0.]; the box-center can be selected by e.g. [:bc], [:boxcenter], [value, :bc, :bc], etc..
  • print_filenames: print on screen the current processed gravity file of each CPU
  • verbose: print timestamp, selected vars and ranges on screen; default: true
  • show_progress: print progress bar on screen
  • myargs: pass a struct of ArgumentsType to pass several arguments at once and to overwrite default values of lmax, xrange, yrange, zrange, center, rangeunit, verbose, showprogress

Defined Methods - function defined for different arguments

  • getgravity( dataobject::InfoType; ...) # no given variables -> all variables loaded
  • getgravity( dataobject::InfoType, var::Symbol; ...) # one given variable -> no array needed
  • getgravity( dataobject::InfoType, vars::Array{Symbol,1}; ...) # several given variables -> array needed


# read simulation information
julia> info = getinfo(420)

# Example 1:
# read gravity data of all variables, full-box, all levels
julia> grav = getgravity(info)

# Example 2:
# read gravity data of all variables up to level 8
# data range 20x20x4 kpc; ranges are given in kpc relative to the box (here: 48 kpc) center at 24 kpc
julia> grav = getgravity(    info,
                          center=[24., 24., 24.],
                          range_unit=:kpc )

# Example 3:
# give the center of the box by simply passing: center = [:bc] or center = [:boxcenter]
# this is equivalent to center=[24.,24.,24.] in Example 2
# the following combination is also possible: e.g. center=[:bc, 12., 34.], etc.
julia> grav = getgravity(    info,
                          center=[33., bc:, 10.],
                          range_unit=:kpc )

# Example 4:
# read gravity data of the variables epot and the x-acceleration, full-box, all levels
julia> grav = getgravity( info, [:epot, :ax] ) # use array for the variables

# Example 5:
# read gravity data of the single variable epot, full-box, all levels
julia> grav = getgravity( info, :epot ) # no array for a single variable needed

Read the leaf-cells of the hydro-data:

  • select variables
  • limit to a maximum level
  • limit to a spatial range
  • set a minimum density or sound speed
  • check for negative values in density and thermal pressure
  • print the name of each data-file before reading it
  • toggle verbose mode
  • toggle progress bar
  • pass a struct with arguments (myargs)
gethydro(   dataobject::InfoType;
            xrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
            yrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
            zrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
            center::Array{<:Any,1}=[0., 0., 0.],
            myargs::ArgumentsType=ArgumentsType()  )

Returns an object of type HydroDataType, containing the hydro-data table, the selected options and the simulation ScaleType and summary of the InfoType

return HydroDataType()

# get an overview of the returned fields:
# e.g.:
julia> info = getinfo(100)
julia> gas  = gethydro(info)
julia> viewfields(gas)
julia> fieldnames(gas)



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "InfoType", created by the function getinfo

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

  • lmax: the maximum level to be read from the data
  • var(s): the selected hydro variables in arbitrary order: :all (default), :cpu, :rho, :vx, :vy, :vz, :p, :var6, :var7...
  • xrange: the range between [xmin, xmax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for xmin=xmax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • yrange: the range between [ymin, ymax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for ymin=ymax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • zrange: the range between [zmin, zmax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for zmin=zmax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • range_unit: the units of the given ranges: :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • center: in units given by argument range_unit; by default [0., 0., 0.]; the box-center can be selected by e.g. [:bc], [:boxcenter], [value, :bc, :bc], etc..
  • smallr: set lower limit for density; zero means inactive
  • smallc: set lower limit for thermal pressure; zero means inactive
  • check_negvalues: check loaded data of "rho" and "p" on negative values; false by default
  • print_filenames: print on screen the current processed hydro file of each CPU
  • verbose: print timestamp, selected vars and ranges on screen; default: true
  • show_progress: print progress bar on screen
  • myargs: pass a struct of ArgumentsType to pass several arguments at once and to overwrite default values of lmax, xrange, yrange, zrange, center, rangeunit, verbose, showprogress

Defined Methods - function defined for different arguments

  • gethydro( dataobject::InfoType; ...) # no given variables -> all variables loaded
  • gethydro( dataobject::InfoType, var::Symbol; ...) # one given variable -> no array needed
  • gethydro( dataobject::InfoType, vars::Array{Symbol,1}; ...) # several given variables -> array needed


# read simulation information
julia> info = getinfo(420)

# Example 1:
# read hydro data of all variables, full-box, all levels
julia> gas = gethydro(info)

# Example 2:
# read hydro data of all variables up to level 8
# data range 20x20x4 kpc; ranges are given in kpc relative to the box (here: 48 kpc) center at 24 kpc
julia> gas = gethydro(    info,
                          center=[24., 24., 24.],
                          range_unit=:kpc )

# Example 3:
# give the center of the box by simply passing: center = [:bc] or center = [:boxcenter]
# this is equivalent to center=[24.,24.,24.] in Example 2
# the following combination is also possible: e.g. center=[:bc, 12., 34.], etc.
julia> gas = gethydro(    info,
                          center=[33., bc:, 10.],
                          range_unit=:kpc )

# Example 4:
# read hydro data of the variables density and the thermal pressure, full-box, all levels
julia> gas = gethydro( info, [:rho, :p] ) # use array for the variables

# Example 5:
# read hydro data of the single variable density, full-box, all levels
julia> gas = gethydro( info, :rho ) # no array for a single variable needed

Get the simulation overview from RAMSES info, descriptor and output header files

getinfo(; output::Real=1, path::String="", namelist::String="", verbose::Bool=true)
return InfoType

Keyword Arguments

  • output: timestep number (default=1)
  • path: the path to the output folder relative to the current folder or absolute path
  • namelist: give the path to a namelist file (by default the namelist.txt-file in the output-folder is read)
  • verbose:: informations are printed on the screen by default


# read simulation information from output `1` in current folder
julia> info = getinfo()

# read simulation information from output `420` in given folder (relative path to the current working folder)
julia> info = getinfo(output=420, path="../MySimFolder/")

# or simply use
julia> info = getinfo(420, "../MySimFolder/")

# get an overview of the returned field-names
julia> propertynames(info)

# a more detailed overview
julia> viewfields(info)
julia> viewallfields(info)
julia> namelist(info)
julia> makefile(info)
julia> timerfile(info)
julia> patchfile(info)

Get mass-array from the dataset (cells/particles/clumps/...):


return Array{Float64,1}

Read the particle-data

  • select variables
  • limit to a maximum range
  • print the name of each data-file before reading it
  • toggle verbose mode
  • toggle progress bar
  • pass a struct with arguments (myargs)
getparticles(       dataobject::InfoType;
                    xrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
                    yrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
                    zrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
                    center::Array{<:Any,1}=[0., 0., 0.],
                    myargs::ArgumentsType=ArgumentsType() )

Returns an object of type PartDataType, containing the particle-data table, the selected and the simulation ScaleType and summary of the InfoType

return PartDataType()

# get an overview of the returned fields:
# e.g.:
julia> info = getinfo(100)
julia> particles  = getparticles(info)
julia> viewfields(particles)
julia> fieldnames(particles)



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "InfoType", created by the function getinfo

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

  • lmax: not defined
  • stars: not defined
  • var(s): the selected particle variables in arbitrary order: :all (default), :cpu, :mass, :vx, :vy, :vz, :birth :metals, ...
  • xrange: the range between [xmin, xmax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for xmin=xmax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • yrange: the range between [ymin, ymax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for ymin=ymax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • zrange: the range between [zmin, zmax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for zmin=zmax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • range_unit: the units of the given ranges: :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • center: in units given by argument range_unit; by default [0., 0., 0.]; the box-center can be selected by e.g. [:bc], [:boxcenter], [value, :bc, :bc], etc..
  • presorted: presort data according to the key vars (by default)
  • print_filenames: print on screen the current processed particle file of each CPU
  • verbose: print timestamp, selected vars and ranges on screen; default: true
  • show_progress: print progress bar on screen
  • myargs: pass a struct of ArgumentsType to pass several arguments at once and to overwrite default values of lmax not!, xrange, yrange, zrange, center, rangeunit, verbose, showprogress

Defined Methods - function defined for different arguments

  • getparticles( dataobject::InfoType; ...) # no given variables -> all variables loaded
  • getparticles( dataobject::InfoType, var::Symbol; ...) # one given variable -> no array needed
  • getparticles( dataobject::InfoType, vars::Array{Symbol,1}; ...) # several given variables -> array needed


# read simulation information
julia> info = getinfo(420)

# Example 1:
# read particle data of all variables, full-box, all levels
julia> particles = getparticles(info)

# Example 2:
# read particle data of all variables
# data range 20x20x4 kpc; ranges are given in kpc relative to the box (here: 48 kpc) center at 24 kpc
julia> particles = getparticles( info,
                                  xrange=[-10., 10.],
                                  yrange=[-10., 10.],
                                  zrange=[-2., 2.],
                                  center=[24., 24., 24.],
                                  range_unit=:kpc )

# Example 3:
# give the center of the box by simply passing: center = [:bc] or center = [:boxcenter]
# this is equivalent to center=[24.,24.,24.] in Example 2
# the following combination is also possible: e.g. center=[:bc, 12., 34.], etc.
julia> particles = getparticles(    info,
                                    center=[33., bc:, 10.],
                                    range_unit=:kpc )

# Example 4:
# read particle data of the variables mass and the birth-time, full-box, all levels
julia> particles = getparticles( info, [:mass, :birth] ) # use array for the variables

# Example 5:
# read particle data of the single variable mass, full-box, all levels
julia> particles = getparticles( info, :mass ) # no array for a single variable needed

Get the x,y,z positions from the dataset (cells/particles/clumps/...):

getpositions( dataobject::DataSetType, unit::Symbol;
        center::Array{<:Any,1}=[0., 0., 0.],

return x, y, z



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "DataSetType"

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

  • center: in unit given by argument center_unit; by default [0., 0., 0.]; the box-center can be selected by e.g. [:bc], [:boxcenter], [value, :bc, :bc], etc..
  • center_unit: :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • direction: todo
  • unit: return the variables in given unit
  • mask: needs to be of type MaskType which is a supertype of Array{Bool,1} or BitArray{1} with the length of the database (rows)

Defined Methods - function defined for different arguments

  • getpositions( dataobject::DataSetType; ...) # one given dataobject
  • getpositions( dataobject::DataSetType, unit::Symbol; ...) # one given dataobject and position unit

Get physical time in selected units

returns Float

gettime(output::Real; path::String="./", unit::Symbol=:standard)
gettime(dataobject::DataSetType; unit::Symbol=:standard)
gettime(dataobject::InfoType, unit::Symbol=:standard)

return time

Arguments Function 1


  • output: give the output-number of the simulation

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

  • path: the path to the output folder relative to the current folder or absolute path
  • unit: return the variable in given unit

Arguments Function 2


  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "DataSetType"

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

  • unit: return the variable in given unit

Arguments Function 3


  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "InfoType"

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

  • unit: return the variable in given unit

Get variables or derived quantities from the dataset:

  • overview the list of predefined quantities with: getinfo()
  • select variable(s) and their unit(s)
  • give the spatial center (with units) of the data within the box (relevant e.g. for radius dependency)
  • relate the coordinates to a direction (x,y,z)
  • pass a modified database
  • pass a mask to exclude elements (cells/particles/...) from the calculation
getvar(   dataobject::DataSetType, var::Symbol;

return Array{Float64,1}



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "DataSetType"
  • var(s): select a variable from the database or a predefined quantity (see field: info, function getvar(), dataobject.data)

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

  • filtered_db: pass a filtered or manipulated database together with the corresponding DataSetType object (required argument)
  • center: in units given by argument center_unit; by default [0., 0., 0.]; the box-center can be selected by e.g. [:bc], [:boxcenter], [value, :bc, :bc], etc..
  • center_unit: :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • direction: todo
  • unit(s): return the variable in given units
  • mask: needs to be of type MaskType which is a supertype of Array{Bool,1} or BitArray{1} with the length of the database (rows)
  • ref_time: reference zero-time for particle age calculation

Defined Methods - function defined for different arguments

  • getvar( dataobject::DataSetType, var::Symbol; ...) # one given variable -> returns 1d array
  • getvar( dataobject::DataSetType, var::Symbol, unit::Symbol; ...) # one given variable with its unit -> returns 1d array
  • getvar( dataobject::DataSetType, vars::Array{Symbol,1}; ...) # several given variables -> array needed -> returns dictionary with 1d arrays
  • getvar( dataobject::DataSetType, vars::Array{Symbol,1}, units::Array{Symbol,1}; ...) # several given variables and their corresponding units -> both arrays -> returns dictionary with 1d arrays
  • getvar( dataobject::DataSetType, vars::Array{Symbol,1}, unit::Symbol; ...) # several given variables that have the same unit -> array for the variables and a single Symbol for the unit -> returns dictionary with 1d arrays



read simulation information

julia> info = getinfo(420) julia> gas = gethydro(info)

Example 1: get the mass for each cell of the hydro data (1dim array)

mass1 = getvar(gas, :mass) # in [code units] mass = getvar(gas, :mass) * gas.scale.Msol # scale the result from code units to solar masses mass = getvar(gas, :mass, unit=:Msol) # unit calculation, provided by a keyword argument mass = getvar(gas, :mass, :Msol) # unit calculation provided by an argument

Example 2: get the mass and |v| (several variables) for each cell of the hydro data

quantities = getvar(gas, [:mass, :v]) # in [code units] returns: Dict{Any,Any} with 2 entries: :mass => [8.9407e-7, 8.9407e-7, 8.9407e-7, 8.9407e-7, 8.9407e-7, 8.9407e-7, 8… :v => [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 … 2.28274e-7, 2.…

quantities = getvar(gas, [:mass, :v], units=[:Msol, :kms]) # unit calculation, provided by a keyword argument quantities = getvar(gas, [:mass, :v], [:Msol, :kms]) # unit calculation provided by an argument

Example 3: get several variables in the same units by providing a single argument

quantities = getvar(gas, [:vx, :vy, :vz], :km_s) ...


Get the vx,vy,vz velocities from the dataset (cells/particles/clumps/...):

function getvelocities( dataobject::DataSetType, unit::Symbol;

return vx, vy, vz



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "DataSetType"

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

  • unit: return the variables in given unit
  • mask: needs to be of type MaskType which is a supertype of Array{Bool,1} or BitArray{1} with the length of the database (rows)

Defined Methods - function defined for different arguments

  • getvelocities( dataobject::DataSetType; ...) # one given dataobject
  • getvelocities( dataobject::DataSetType, unit::Symbol; ...) # one given dataobject and velocity unit

Convert a value to human-readable astrophysical units and round to ndigits

(pass the value in code units and the quantity specification (length, time) )

function humanize(value::Float64, scale::ScalesType001, ndigits::Int, quantity::String)

return value, value_unit

Get the simulation overview from RAMSES, saved in JLD2 == function getinfo

         fname = "output_",

return InfoType

Keyword Arguments

  • output: timestep number
  • path: the path to the output JLD2 file relative to the current folder or absolute path
  • fname: "output"-> filename = "output***.jld2" by default, can be changed to "myname***.jld2"
  • verbose:: informations are printed on the screen by default


# read simulation information from output `1` in current folder
julia> info = infodata(1) # filename="output_00001.jld2"

# read simulation information from output `420` in given folder (relative path to the current working folder)
julia> info = infodata(420, path="../MySimFolder/")

# or simply use
julia> info = infodata(420, "../MySimFolder/")

# get an overview of the returned field-names
julia> propertynames(info)

# a more detailed overview
julia> viewfields(info)
julia> viewallfields(info)
julia> namelist(info)
julia> makefile(info)
julia> timerfile(info)
julia> patchfile(info)

Read stored simulation data into a dataobject:

  • supported datatypes: HydroDataType, PartDataType, GravDataType, ClumpDataType
  • select a certain data range (data is fully loaded; the selected subregion is returned)
  • toggle verbose mode
function loaddata(output::Int; path::String="./",
            fname = "output_",
            xrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
            yrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
            zrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
            center::Array{<:Any,1}=[0., 0., 0.],
            myargs::ArgumentsType=ArgumentsType() )

return dataobject



  • output: output number
  • datatype: :hydro, :particles, :gravity or :clumps

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

  • path: path to the file; default is local path.
  • fname: default name of the files "output_" and the running number is added. Change the string to apply a user-defined name.
  • xrange: the range between [xmin, xmax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for xmin=xmax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • yrange: the range between [ymin, ymax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for ymin=ymax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • zrange: the range between [zmin, zmax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for zmin=zmax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • range_unit: the units of the given ranges: :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • myargs: pass a struct of ArgumentsType to pass several arguments at once and to overwrite default values of xrange, yrange, zrange, center, range_unit, verbose
  • verbose: print timestamp and further information on screen; default: true

Defined Methods - function defined for different arguments

  • loaddata(output::Int64; ...) # opens first datatype in the file
  • loaddata(output::Int64, datatype::Symbol; ...)
  • loaddata(output::Int64, path::String; ...)
  • loaddata(output::Int64, path::String, datatype::Symbol; ...)

Calculate the total mass of any ContainMassDataSetType:

msum(dataobject::ContainMassDataSetType; unit::Symbol=:standard, mask::MaskType=[false])

return Float64



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "ContainMassDataSetType"

Optional Keywords:

  • unit: the unit of the result (can be used w/o keyword): :standard (code units) :Msol, :Mearth, :Mjupiter, :g, :kg (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined mass-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • mask: needs to be of type MaskType which is a supertype of Array{Bool,1} or BitArray{1} with the length of the database (rows)

Get an email notification, e.g., when your calculations are finished.


  • the email client "mail" needs to be installed
  • put a file with the name "email.txt" in your home folder that contains your email address in the first line
julia> notifyme()


julia> notifyme("Calculation 1 finished!")

cuboid ranges convert given ranges and print overview on screen used for gethydro, getparticles, getgravity, getclumps..., subregions...


cylinder ranges (height != 0.), sphere ranges (height==0.) convert given ranges + radius and print overview on screen used for subregions...


print a Mera timestamp on the screen if the global variable: verbose_mode == true

function printtime(text::String="", verbose::Bool=verbose_mode)

Project variables or derived quantities from the hydro-dataset:

  • projection to an arbitrary large grid: give pixelnumber for each dimension = res
  • overview the list of predefined quantities with: projection()
  • select variable(s) and their unit(s)
  • limit to a maximum range
  • select a coarser grid than the maximum resolution of the loaded data (maps with both resolutions are created)
  • give the spatial center (with units) of the data within the box (relevant e.g. for radius dependency)
  • relate the coordinates to a direction (x,y,z)
  • select arbitrary weighting: mass (default), volume weighting, etc.
  • pass a mask to exclude elements (cells) from the calculation
  • toggle verbose mode
  • toggle progress bar
  • pass a struct with arguments (myargs)
projection(   dataobject::HydroDataType, vars::Array{Symbol,1};
                        res::Union{Real, Missing}=missing,
                        pxsize::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
                        mask::Union{Vector{Bool}, MaskType}=[false],
                        weighting::Array{<:Any,1}=[:mass, missing],
                        xrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
                        yrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
                        zrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
                        center::Array{<:Any,1}=[0., 0., 0.],
                        data_center::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing, missing],
                        myargs::ArgumentsType=ArgumentsType() )

return HydroMapsType



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "HydroDataType"
  • var(s): select a variable from the database or a predefined quantity (see field: info, function projection(), dataobject.data)

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

  • unit(s): return the variable in given units
  • pxsize`: creates maps with the given pixel size in physical/code units (dominates over: res, lmax) : pxsize=[physical size (Number), physical unit (Symbol)]
  • res create maps with the given pixel number for each deminsion; if res not given by user -> lmax is selected; (pixel number is related to the full boxsize)
  • lmax: create maps with 2^lmax pixels for each dimension
  • xrange: the range between [xmin, xmax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for xmin=xmax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • yrange: the range between [ymin, ymax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for ymin=ymax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • zrange: the range between [zmin, zmax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for zmin=zmax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • range_unit: the units of the given ranges: :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • center: in units given by argument range_unit; by default [0., 0., 0.]; the box-center can be selected by e.g. [:bc], [:boxcenter], [value, :bc, :bc], etc..
  • weighting: select between :mass weighting (default) and any other pre-defined quantity, e.g. :volume. Pass an array with the weighting=[quantity (Symbol), physical unit (Symbol)]
  • data_center: to calculate the data relative to the datacenter; in units given by argument `datacenterunit`; by default the argument datacenter = center ;
  • data_center_unit: :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • direction: select between: :x, :y, :z
  • mask: needs to be of type MaskType which is a supertype of Array{Bool,1} or BitArray{1} with the length of the database (rows)
  • mode: :standard (default) handles projections other than surface density. mode=:standard (default) -> weighted average; mode=:sum sums-up the weighted quantities in projection direction.
  • show_progress: print progress bar on screen
  • myargs: pass a struct of ArgumentsType to pass several arguments at once and to overwrite default values of lmax, xrange, yrange, zrange, center, rangeunit, verbose, showprogress

Defined Methods - function defined for different arguments

  • projection( dataobject::HydroDataType, var::Symbol; ...) # one given variable
  • projection( dataobject::HydroDataType, var::Symbol, unit::Symbol; ...) # one given variable with its unit
  • projection( dataobject::HydroDataType, vars::Array{Symbol,1}; ...) # several given variables -> array needed
  • projection( dataobject::HydroDataType, vars::Array{Symbol,1}, units::Array{Symbol,1}; ...) # several given variables and their corresponding units -> both arrays
  • projection( dataobject::HydroDataType, vars::Array{Symbol,1}, unit::Symbol; ...) # several given variables that have the same unit -> array for the variables and a single Symbol for the unit




Project variables or derived quantities from the particle-dataset:

  • projection to a grid related to a given level
  • overview the list of predefined quantities with: projection()
  • select variable(s) and their unit(s)
  • limit to a maximum range
  • give the spatial center (with units) of the data within the box (relevant e.g. for radius dependency)
  • relate the coordinates to a direction (x,y,z)
  • select between mass (default) and volume weighting
  • pass a mask to exclude elements (cells/particles/...) from the calculation
  • toggle verbose mode
  • toggle progress bar
  • pass a struct with arguments (myargs)
projection(   dataobject::PartDataType, vars::Array{Symbol,1};
                res::Union{Real, Missing}=missing,
                pxsize::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
                xrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
                yrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
                zrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],
                center::Array{<:Any,1}=[0., 0., 0.],
                data_center::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing, missing],
                myargs::ArgumentsType=ArgumentsType()  )

return HydroMapsType



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "PartDataType"
  • var(s): select a variable from the database or a predefined quantity (see field: info, function projection(), dataobject.data)

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

  • unit(s): return the variable in given units
  • pxsize`: creates maps with the given pixel size in physical/code units (dominates over: res, lmax) : pxsize=[physical size (Number), physical unit (Symbol)]
  • res create maps with the given pixel number for each deminsion; if res not given by user -> lmax is selected; (pixel number is related to the full boxsize)
  • lmax: create maps with 2^lmax pixels for each dimension
  • xrange: the range between [xmin, xmax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for xmin=xmax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • yrange: the range between [ymin, ymax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for ymin=ymax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • zrange: the range between [zmin, zmax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for zmin=zmax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • range_unit: the units of the given ranges: :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • center: in units given by argument range_unit; by default [0., 0., 0.]; the box-center can be selected by e.g. [:bc], [:boxcenter], [value, :bc, :bc], etc..
  • weighting: select between :mass weighting (default) and :volume weighting
  • data_center: to calculate the data relative to the datacenter; in units given by argument `datacenterunit`; by default the argument datacenter = center ;
  • data_center_unit: :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • direction: select between: :x, :y, :z
  • mask: needs to be of type MaskType which is a supertype of Array{Bool,1} or BitArray{1} with the length of the database (rows)
  • ref_time: the age quantity relative to a given time (code_units); default relative to the loaded snapshot time
  • show_progress: print progress bar on screen
  • myargs: pass a struct of ArgumentsType to pass several arguments at once and to overwrite default values of lmax, xrange, yrange, zrange, center, rangeunit, verbose, showprogress

Defined Methods - function defined for different arguments

  • projection( dataobject::PartDataType, var::Symbol; ...) # one given variable
  • projection( dataobject::PartDataType, var::Symbol, unit::Symbol; ...) # one given variable with its unit
  • projection( dataobject::PartDataType, vars::Array{Symbol,1}; ...) # several given variables -> array needed
  • projection( dataobject::PartDataType, vars::Array{Symbol,1}, units::Array{Symbol,1}; ...) # several given variables and their corresponding units -> both arrays
  • projection( dataobject::PartDataType, vars::Array{Symbol,1}, unit::Symbol; ...) # several given variables that have the same unit -> array for the variables and a single Symbol for the unit




Save loaded simulation data into a compressed/uncompressed JLD2 format:

  • write new file; add datatype to existing file
  • running number is taken from original RAMSES folders
  • use different compression methods
  • add a string to describe the simulation
  • toggle verbose mode
function savedata( dataobject::DataSetType;
                    fname = "output_",



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "HydroDataType", "PartDataType", "GravDataType", "ClumpDataType"
  • fmode: nothing is written/appended by default to avoid overwriting files by accident. Need: fmode=:write (new file or overwriting existing file); fmode=:append further datatype. (overwriting of existing datatypes is not possible)

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

  • path: path to save the file; default is local path.
  • fname: default name of the files "output_" and the running number is added. Change the string to apply a user-defined name.
  • dataformat: currently, only JLD2 can be selected.
  • compress: by default compression is activated. compress=false (deactivate).

If necessary, choose between different compression types: LZ4FrameCompressor() (default), Bzip2Compressor(), ZlibCompressor(). Load the required package to choose the compression type and to see their parameters: CodecZlib, CodecBzip2 or CodecLz4

  • comments: add a string that includes e.g. a description about your simulation
  • merafile_version: default: 1.; current only version
  • verbose: print timestamp and further information on screen; default: true

Defined Methods - function defined for different arguments

  • savedata( dataobject::DataSetType; ...) # note: fmode needs to be given for action!
  • savedata( dataobject::DataSetType, fmode::Symbol; ...)
  • savedata( dataobject::DataSetType, path::String; ...)
  • savedata( dataobject::DataSetType, path::String, fmode::Symbol; ...)

Cutout sub-regions of the data base of DataSetType

  • select shape of a shell-region
  • select size of a region (with or w/o intersecting cells)
  • give the spatial center (with units) of the data relative to the full box
  • relate the coordinates to a direction (x,y,z)
  • inverse the selected region
  • pass a struct with arguments (myargs)
shellregion(dataobject::DataSetType, shape::Symbol=:cylinder;
            radius::Array{<:Real,1}=[0.,0.],  # cylinder, sphere;
            height::Real=0.,                  # cylinder
            direction::Symbol=:z,             # cylinder

            center::Array{<:Any,1}=[0., 0., 0.],   # all
            range_unit::Symbol=:standard,  # all
            cell::Bool=true,                        # hydro and gravity
            inverse::Bool=false,                    # all
            verbose::Bool=true,             # all
            myargs::ArgumentsType=ArgumentsType() ) # all



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "DataSetType"
  • shape: select between region shapes: :cylinder/:disc, :sphere

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

For cylindrical shell-region, related to a given center:

  • radius: the inner and outer radius of the shell in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center
  • height: the hight above and below a plane [-height, height] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center
  • direction: todo

For spherical shell-region, related to a given center:

  • radius: the inner and outer radius of the shell in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center

Keywords related to all region shapes

  • range_unit: the units of the given ranges: :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • center: in units given by argument range_unit; by default [0., 0., 0.]; the box-center can be selected by e.g. [:bc], [:boxcenter], [value, :bc, :bc], etc..
  • inverse: inverse the region selection = get the data outside of the region
  • cell: take intersecting cells of the region boarder into account (true) or only the cells-centers within the selected region (false)
  • verbose: print timestamp, selected vars and ranges on screen; default: true
  • myargs: pass a struct of ArgumentsType to pass several arguments at once and to overwrite default values of radius, height, direction, center, range_unit, verbose

Print overview of the used storage per file type for a given timestep

function storageoverview(dataobject::InfoType, verbose::Bool=true)
function storageoverview(dataobject::InfoType; verbose::Bool=true)

return dictionary in bytes

Cutout sub-regions of the data base of DataSetType

  • select shape of a region
  • select size of a region (with or w/o intersecting cells)
  • give the spatial center (with units) of the data relative to the full box
  • relate the coordinates to a direction (x,y,z)
  • inverse the selected region
  • pass a struct with arguments (myargs)
subregion(dataobject::DataSetType, shape::Symbol=:cuboid;
            xrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],  # cuboid
            yrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],  # cuboid
            zrange::Array{<:Any,1}=[missing, missing],  # cuboid

            radius::Real=0.,              # cylinder, sphere
            height::Real=0.,              # cylinder
            direction::Symbol=:z,         # cylinder

            center::Array{<:Any,1}=[0.,0.,0.],     # all
            range_unit::Symbol=:standard,           # all
            cell::Bool=true,                        # hydro and gravity
            inverse::Bool=false,                    # all
            verbose::Bool=true,             # all
            myargs::ArgumentsType=ArgumentsType() ) # all



  • dataobject: needs to be of type: "DataSetType"
  • shape: select between region shapes: :cuboid, :cylinder/:disc, :sphere

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

For cuboid region, related to a given center:

  • xrange: the range between [xmin, xmax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for xmin=xmax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • yrange: the range between [ymin, ymax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for ymin=ymax=0. is converted to maximum possible length
  • zrange: the range between [zmin, zmax] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center; zero length for zmin=zmax=0. is converted to maximum possible length

For cylindrical region, related to a given center:

  • radius: the radius between [0., radius] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center
  • height: the hight above and below a plane [-height, height] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center
  • direction: todo

For spherical region, related to a given center:

  • radius: the radius between [0., radius] in units given by argument range_unit and relative to the given center

Keywords related to all region shapes

  • range_unit: the units of the given ranges: :standard (code units), :Mpc, :kpc, :pc, :mpc, :ly, :au , :km, :cm (of typye Symbol) ..etc. ; see for defined length-scales viewfields(info.scale)
  • center: in units given by argument range_unit; by default [0., 0., 0.]; the box-center can be selected by e.g. [:bc], [:boxcenter], [value, :bc, :bc], etc..
  • inverse: inverse the region selection = get the data outside of the region
  • cell: take intersecting cells of the region boarder into account (true) or only the cells-centers within the selected region (false)
  • verbose: print timestamp, selected vars and ranges on screen; default: true
  • myargs: pass a struct of ArgumentsType to pass several arguments at once and to overwrite default values of xrange, yrange, zrange, radius, height, direction, center, range_unit, verbose

Get the memory that is used for an object in human-readable units

function usedmemory(object, verbose::Bool=true)
return value, unit

Get a detailed overview of many fields from the MERA InfoType:


Get overview of stored datatypes:

  • compression
  • versions of the used/loaded compression
  • MERA/MERA-file version
  • compressed/uncompressed data size
  • returns stored conversion statistics, when available (created by convertdata-function)
function viewdata(output::Int;
        fname = "output_",

return overview (dictionary)



  • output: output number
  • datatype: :hydro, :particles, :gravity or :clumps

Predefined/Optional Keywords:

  • path: the path to the output JLD2 file relative to the current folder or absolute path
  • fname: "output"-> filename = "output***.jld2" by default, can be changed to "myname***.jld2"
  • showfull: shows the full data tree of the datafile
  • verbose:: informations are printed on the screen by default

Get an overview of the fields from MERA composite types:


Get a list of all exported Mera types and functions:

function viewmodule(modulename::Module)

Calculate statistical values w/o weighting of any Array:

wstat(array::Array{<:Real,1}; weight::Array{<:Real,1}=[1.], mask::MaskType=[false])

WStatType(mean, median, std, skewness, kurtosis, min, max)



  • array: Array needs to be of type: "<:Real"

Optional Keywords:

  • weight: Array needs to be of type: "<:Real" (can be used w/o keyword)
  • mask: needs to be of type MaskType which is a supertype of Array{Bool,1} or BitArray{1} with the length of the Array